Monday, November 1, 2010


One could say I'm a total freak when it comes to making lists. I make lists for EVERYTHING! In fact, here is a list of some of the things I make lists for:
  • Groceries
  • Target
  • Things we hope to own one day
  • Chores around the house
  • Errands to run
  • Songs I would like to someday download onto my ipod
  • Christmas Wants
  • to the evil bastards who just keep recommending stuff)
  • Blog ideas
Needless to say, the list goes on.....hardee har har.
And before you ask, the answer is yes. I am one of those people who will write down an item on a list, even if I've already finished doing said item, just so that i can mark it off.
It gives me a sense of accomplishment. PLUS! It makes me feel all gooey and happy inside.
Hey. I never said I was normal....Oh! that's an idea. I could make a list of things that make me not so normal. For example:
  • When I eat bite sized crackers or small candy, I have to have an even number (1 piece for each side of my mouth), otherwise I just feel unbalanced.
  • Before I leave the house every morning, I have to find all six pets and kiss them goodbye. And if I walk  by one I've already said goodbye to and pet him/her again, I have to start all over so as not to make anyone jealous.
  • When watching a t.v show on DVD, I often count the minutes in my head to gauge how much longer I have before the show is over. Not because I'm bored....but because my brain has to be doing something.
  • Speaking of t.v, I'm obsessed over the percentage of stuff we have taped on the DVR. I like to keep it low. Heaven forbid it go above this point, my head starts to spin.
  • I always have a fear that I have left something on inside the house that will make it catch fire, trap the pets inside and burn everything to the ground. I can't tell you how many times I have been late somewhere because I had to turn around to make sure I hadn't left the stove on...when I hadn't even turned in on at all that day.
  • One would think I would put everything I need before I leave to go somewhere in the same place. But alas, I don't. And I am constantly running around the house, trying to get everything together before I leave. Andrew gets a kick out of this one because I always leave before him and he always gets out of bed to wave goodbye. He's learned that he has a few minutes to spare when I rush upstairs to tell him I'm leaving NOW and yet, I'm still not ready once he makes it downstairs to kiss me goodbye. But I like to tell myself that this is one of the many reasons why he loves me.
  • I like Adam Lambert. There. I said it. Happy?
I also make lists of lists I need to make. See above the first list I wrote out, if you don't believe me.
Lists are just an every day part of my life. I can't imagine what I would be like if I didn't make them. It would drive me absolutely batty. I wouldn't know what to do next. Even if I don't get everything done on a list, it still comforts me that it's there, awaiting the blessed day that it will get scratched out once it's all finished.
It's the small things in life that make me happy, and more importantly...... keep me sane.
Though the thought comes to mind, that I am anything but, after re-reading this blog.
Oh well....