Thursday, November 19, 2009

Squirrel or Dog? That is the question.

So for those of you who don't know this already, our dog Leira's favorite toy is her stuffed squirrel. (In all reality, it is no longer stuffed because she ripped all of the fun fluffy stuff out and it is indeed flat. Plus I don't really think it's a squirrel. Perhaps it's a cat...? But at any rate, it is not really recognizable now what type of "animal" it started out we just call it her squirrel.)

And because of her love for her favorite toy, when I came across a squirrel costume in target around Halloween...I couldn't resist. I mean really? What is cuter than a dog dressed as a squirrel?

Can't think of anything can you?


That's what I thought.

But I have a feeling that somehow during playtime with her squirrel and dressing her up like one, Leira might...just might be a bit confused.

This thought crossed my mind the other morning when I was taking her on her walk. We were quietly frolicking along the sidewalk when I saw a squirrel running across the street. It just so happened that a car was coming very quickly down the road (because people are stupid around here and drive too fast...ahem). I glanced up at the squirrel who had chosen that precise moment to sit and investigate an acorn....IN THE STREET!

Without even thinking, I yelled "Run squirrel run!" In which at this time Leira picked up her pace to full speed and started running as fast as she could.....

The squirrel made it but by this time I had another thought brewing in my mind...did Leira perhaps think I was yelling at her to run? Does she think she's a squirrel when indeed she is not? Have I given her some kind of inter-species complex?

I looked down in the middle of my thought process because Leira had come to a full stop. She was chewing on something she had found in the grass. I began trying to pry the contents out of her mouth and alas found that the object of which she was chewing was....

An acorn....

My God. What have I done?

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