Thursday, November 5, 2009

Obcession: Perhaps something of an addiciton.

I have a problem. That's the first step right? Getting through the denial...the denial of "I can stop any time." "I don't really need to spend the money so I'll pass." "One excuse after another until it hits....

No longer do you have enough space to put them all. No longer do you even have the extra corner to throw in another bookcase in order to place them. You're stuck and crave more.

That's right. You guessed it.

Hi. My name is Mary and I am a hoarder of books.

There, I said it. Whew. I fell so much better!

But seriously, when is enough enough? I tell myself over and over again, "Mary, there are so many books on your shelves that you haven't read...and even if you try to read 4 and 5 at a time, if you keep buying more, there is no way to catch up."

But the buying of said books continues. From classics, to memoirs, to cheesy vampire series' I tend to drift to in the "popular teen" section. (Hey! I said I have a problem. I never said I was proud of it.)

I walk into a bookstore calmly and think to myself, "I'll just browse. I don't need to buy."

But then I see a shiny new cover of an author I collect (never mind that I haven't even read one word of said author...but her covers are preeety and shiny and I find myself addicted to buying the whole series before I even glance at the first page.)

Then there are those authors I am so in love with because I have read everything they have ever written and the moment they release a new book it's like homemade brownies to a pothead.

I. Want. Them. All. (books....and brownies)

Is that really so much to ask?

Maybe I just need a bigger place to where I can put more bookshelves and therefore more books. That would solve my problem right? And wouldn't be a problem anymore.


Ooh. I think I'll go browse on Amazon right now.

You know, just to look.

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