Thursday, October 29, 2009

You know the one...?

My brother Pat used to work at Best Buy. He would often tell me stories of customers who would come up to him and ask him if he knew where to find a certain song.

Pat: "Who's the artist?"

Customer: "What?"

Pat: "The person who sang the song you're looking for."

Long pause.

Customer: "Oh. Well I thought that was why I am asking for your help?"

Pat: "Well what's the title?"

Customer: "I don't know."

I always got a kick out of these stories and gave an extra two thumbs up to him for putting up with such idiots. My favorite stories were the ones in which the customer would start singing the song he or she was in search of.

Singing very badly.

And off key.

And not with the correct lyrics.

I would have paid money to see this.

I was thinking about these memories today when I heard a familiar song on the radio. It reminded me of when I had first heard it and how I looked over and over again for the name or the artist who sang it. Then I remembered asking Pat.

And singing it to him (not fully knowing the words).

He just looked at me and shook his head.

Me: "What?"

And now I know. He thought I was one of "those" people.

But he's wrong.

I mean, I don't count.

I'm his sister....

Am I right?

Am I?

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