I got sent home from work today because I wasn't feeling well and my boss didn't want me getting everyone else sick. (Understandably so...however, in all honesty, we've been all passing around the same virus for about a month now...but that's beside the point.)
I had scheduled a doctor's appointment for 3:30 and it was only noon by the time I got home. I found this to be the perfect opportunity to take a nap.
Let me just say, 3 out of our 6 pets had something else in mind.
I grabbed one of my favorite fleece blankets and fluffed my pillow just right. I snuggled down into the covers, laid my head down and breathed a sigh of pure comfort. (Other than the fact that I was coughing consistently and my nose kept running so I had to keep switching sides.)
Leira curled up on one side of me and Bianca took her position on the other side. We were all nice and comfy when Leira decided to take it upon herself and act like she was having a seizure.
She isn't epileptic.
And I still don't know what the hell she was doing. She would be lying completely still and then suddenly start rolling on her back and trying to catch her tail. (She isn't right. Bless her.)Then she would do her favorite of all favorite things when she's trying to get someone's undivided attention. She slammed her paw down on my face.
Until I finally opened my eyes after trying to initially ignore her, and told her to cut it out.
Once she finally settled in, I got my self comfortable again only to start having a severe coughing attack. This, of course got Lorelai's attention as she came out of no where. She was suddenly on the bed chirping her concerned meow and head butting my forehead to make sure I was OK.
I found this to be very sweet and had to smile. But then she froze. It seems at that moment, she came to realize that Bianca was on the bed curled up with me as well. (They are still trying to work things out...)
So there I was. Lying in between 2 cats that were staring non-blinking at each other. All I could think of was that my face was in the direct fire zone. I didn't dare move. I didn't dare breathe. (This didn't really take much effort considering my already stuffy nose.) I just prayed that somehow I would not be involved in the attack that was sure to pursue.
It was like standing in the middle of a western show down.
I. Was. Scared. Shitless.
Growls were coming from both ends. Neither would close their eyes fully due to their distrust for one another and not wanting to put their guards down.
What seemed like hours later, they finally decided the situation was OK. (Apparently my being in between them was enough distance for them to be civil. Let me just say that my face was so very grateful. So very grateful indeed.)
Ah. Now I can rest I thought to myself.
And it was about this time that Leira decided to have another spastic fit. When I opened my eyes this time, i found my cute, sweet mutt sitting there looking like Santa Claus.
How's that? You ask.
Well I'll tell you.
She had managed to find a white fur ball on the floor and thought it would be a good idea to chew on it. It was hanging from her chin just right.
I wrestled it out of her mouth and being too exhausted to throw it away, I stuffed it under my pillow. (I know. I know. I'm totally gross.)
It took another several minutes for everyone to settle down once again, but finally my head was resting on my super soft pillow and I was beginning to fall into a deep sleep.
And then...
My stupid phone rang.
Are you kidding me?
Of course this sent everyone running, pouncing all over me in my confused state of trying to locate where the horrid noise was coming from.
Once off the phone, they were all sitting there looking at me oh so innocently.
I couldn't be mad. They were all just too darn cute.
But next time I decide to take a nap during the middle of the day...they're all getting locked out!
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