We were somewhat hesitant about this decision because dogs are only allowed in the cabins if you pay $150 fee. (But who wants to pay that and who likes to follow the rules? Come on people! Live dangerously!).
We're such rebels right?
Right. So our other concern was that she had never ridden in the car for longer than an hour. This was a 6 hour commute. To our surprise, this was her reaction to said 6 hour commute:
"Ma! I was sleeping!"
(She was sleeping and she looked so darn cute I had to take a picture...but I woke her up and the picture resulted in this...)
We made it to our destination around 1:30 (ish) in the morning. I went inside to retrieve the key while Andrew stayed in the car with Leira. (We. Are. So. Sneaky.)
We got to the cabin and settled in for the night. Leira (and Andrew and I) were exhausted from the drive so we went to sleep pretty quickly.
The next morning, I woke up somewhat early and took Leira out for a walk. I looked around cautiously to make sure that no employees were sneaking about and walked outside. She was so cute and so excited! She had never seen mountains before and she seemed to be so overcome by everything that was surrounding her.
Andrew got up soon after and we decided to take Leira for an even longer walk (eek! she was so elated!) We found a big field and were disappointed that we had forgotten her favorite tennis ball (though her stuffed squirrel, she never leaves the house without). We found we didn't need a ball. All we had to do was stand a generous distance apart and "pretend" that we were throwing a ball back and forth. (I never said she was a genius...) She found this game to be great fun as she ran back and forth between us. Now tell me, isn't this the happiest little mutt you've ever seen?
"Look guys! I iz faster than the wind!"
We went back to the cabin and ate some breakfast and took a nap. Then we went out again for a short hike in the Great Smokey Mountain National Park. We were walking along the path and came across this sign:
But rebels? We are! So we continued on. And Leira. Loved. It! She was so happy and so alive! Though she didn't really know what to do when she came across the rocks and the river. She gets two thumbs up for trying though:).
"What exactly do i do now guys?"
We made it through checkout the next morning without getting caught!
"I iz sneaky too right mama?!!"
In following the tradition, (my family has been going here for years) we visited the dam and took pictures in all the places we always take pictures and then we traveled home via the parkway. Let me just tell you, the Blue Ridge Parkway in the fall is one of the most beautiful places in the world to me. All of the colors and trees and mountains and fresh air.
I. Love. It!
Here's a glimpse of our experience:)
"Daddy's got belly mama!"
"Can I peez here?"
Our little family (minus the 5 cats:)
All in all I would say that Leira's first road trip to the mountains went very well. I am so proud of our little mutt. She is truly the best dog a girl could ask for.
"I iz so done."
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