My brother Pat used to work at Best Buy. He would often tell me stories of customers who would come up to him and ask him if he knew where to find a certain song.
Pat: "Who's the artist?"
Customer: "What?"
Pat: "The person who sang the song you're looking for."
Long pause.
Customer: "Oh. Well I thought that was why I am asking for your help?"
Pat: "Well what's the title?"
Customer: "I don't know."
I always got a kick out of these stories and gave an extra two thumbs up to him for putting up with such idiots. My favorite stories were the ones in which the customer would start singing the song he or she was in search of.
Singing very badly.
And off key.
And not with the correct lyrics.
I would have paid money to see this.
I was thinking about these memories today when I heard a familiar song on the radio. It reminded me of when I had first heard it and how I looked over and over again for the name or the artist who sang it. Then I remembered asking Pat.
And singing it to him (not fully knowing the words).
He just looked at me and shook his head.
Me: "What?"
And now I know. He thought I was one of "those" people.
But he's wrong.
I mean, I don't count.
I'm his sister....
Am I right?
Am I?
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Leira's first road trip!
This past weekend, Andrew and I decided to take a little road trip up to the mountains. Since it was rather last minute and we didn't want to kennel Leira (because in all reality...she hates to be kenneled and we're suckers and hate to upset her in any way...) there was only one solution: she would have to come with us.
We were somewhat hesitant about this decision because dogs are only allowed in the cabins if you pay $150 fee. (But who wants to pay that and who likes to follow the rules? Come on people! Live dangerously!).
We're such rebels right?
Right. So our other concern was that she had never ridden in the car for longer than an hour. This was a 6 hour commute. To our surprise, this was her reaction to said 6 hour commute:

"Ma! I was sleeping!"
(She was sleeping and she looked so darn cute I had to take a picture...but I woke her up and the picture resulted in this...)
We made it to our destination around 1:30 (ish) in the morning. I went inside to retrieve the key while Andrew stayed in the car with Leira. (We. Are. So. Sneaky.)
We got to the cabin and settled in for the night. Leira (and Andrew and I) were exhausted from the drive so we went to sleep pretty quickly.
The next morning, I woke up somewhat early and took Leira out for a walk. I looked around cautiously to make sure that no employees were sneaking about and walked outside. She was so cute and so excited! She had never seen mountains before and she seemed to be so overcome by everything that was surrounding her.
Andrew got up soon after and we decided to take Leira for an even longer walk (eek! she was so elated!) We found a big field and were disappointed that we had forgotten her favorite tennis ball (though her stuffed squirrel, she never leaves the house without). We found we didn't need a ball. All we had to do was stand a generous distance apart and "pretend" that we were throwing a ball back and forth. (I never said she was a genius...) She found this game to be great fun as she ran back and forth between us. Now tell me, isn't this the happiest little mutt you've ever seen?

"Look guys! I iz faster than the wind!"
We went back to the cabin and ate some breakfast and took a nap. Then we went out again for a short hike in the Great Smokey Mountain National Park. We were walking along the path and came across this sign:

But rebels? We are! So we continued on. And Leira. Loved. It! She was so happy and so alive! Though she didn't really know what to do when she came across the rocks and the river. She gets two thumbs up for trying though:).

"What exactly do i do now guys?"
We made it through checkout the next morning without getting caught!

"I iz sneaky too right mama?!!"
In following the tradition, (my family has been going here for years) we visited the dam and took pictures in all the places we always take pictures and then we traveled home via the parkway. Let me just tell you, the Blue Ridge Parkway in the fall is one of the most beautiful places in the world to me. All of the colors and trees and mountains and fresh air.
I. Love. It!
Here's a glimpse of our experience:)

"Daddy's got belly mama!"

"Can I peez here?"

Our little family (minus the 5 cats:)
All in all I would say that Leira's first road trip to the mountains went very well. I am so proud of our little mutt. She is truly the best dog a girl could ask for.

"I iz so done."
We were somewhat hesitant about this decision because dogs are only allowed in the cabins if you pay $150 fee. (But who wants to pay that and who likes to follow the rules? Come on people! Live dangerously!).
We're such rebels right?
Right. So our other concern was that she had never ridden in the car for longer than an hour. This was a 6 hour commute. To our surprise, this was her reaction to said 6 hour commute:
"Ma! I was sleeping!"
(She was sleeping and she looked so darn cute I had to take a picture...but I woke her up and the picture resulted in this...)
We made it to our destination around 1:30 (ish) in the morning. I went inside to retrieve the key while Andrew stayed in the car with Leira. (We. Are. So. Sneaky.)
We got to the cabin and settled in for the night. Leira (and Andrew and I) were exhausted from the drive so we went to sleep pretty quickly.
The next morning, I woke up somewhat early and took Leira out for a walk. I looked around cautiously to make sure that no employees were sneaking about and walked outside. She was so cute and so excited! She had never seen mountains before and she seemed to be so overcome by everything that was surrounding her.
Andrew got up soon after and we decided to take Leira for an even longer walk (eek! she was so elated!) We found a big field and were disappointed that we had forgotten her favorite tennis ball (though her stuffed squirrel, she never leaves the house without). We found we didn't need a ball. All we had to do was stand a generous distance apart and "pretend" that we were throwing a ball back and forth. (I never said she was a genius...) She found this game to be great fun as she ran back and forth between us. Now tell me, isn't this the happiest little mutt you've ever seen?
"Look guys! I iz faster than the wind!"
We went back to the cabin and ate some breakfast and took a nap. Then we went out again for a short hike in the Great Smokey Mountain National Park. We were walking along the path and came across this sign:
But rebels? We are! So we continued on. And Leira. Loved. It! She was so happy and so alive! Though she didn't really know what to do when she came across the rocks and the river. She gets two thumbs up for trying though:).
"What exactly do i do now guys?"
We made it through checkout the next morning without getting caught!
"I iz sneaky too right mama?!!"
In following the tradition, (my family has been going here for years) we visited the dam and took pictures in all the places we always take pictures and then we traveled home via the parkway. Let me just tell you, the Blue Ridge Parkway in the fall is one of the most beautiful places in the world to me. All of the colors and trees and mountains and fresh air.
I. Love. It!
Here's a glimpse of our experience:)
"Daddy's got belly mama!"
"Can I peez here?"
Our little family (minus the 5 cats:)
All in all I would say that Leira's first road trip to the mountains went very well. I am so proud of our little mutt. She is truly the best dog a girl could ask for.
"I iz so done."
early morning realization
I woke up this morning, as I always do and I had to pee. So I got up, stumbled across the carpet, managing to only trip over one of our 5 cats and barely missing the fan that stands right in front of our bed. In the bathroom, fully unharmed, I followed normal procedure.
Suddenly, I heard something (someone?) slam into the door and a small "click". The door swayed open and in came, not one, not two, but three cats looking at me with hungry eyes and smacking lips. Tuna, Phoebe and Dip did not seem to care that i needed to take care of my bodily functions before partaking in feeding them this morning. It just was. not. acceptable.
But what could I do? I mean really. I had no way of shoving them out the door without peeing all over myself. And there the three of them sat.
Just staring.
And staring.
And staring....
OK. Creeped out by all of the staring and now wishing that I had just held it and fed them all first. But now I have a new deli-ma....I am pee shy. And all I could focus on was the 6 little beady eyes staring at me.
And that was when they decided to belt out a chorus of meows.
I love my pets but seriously? Give a girl some privacy.
I'll only say this once. You've won this battle little ones...but the war is not over.
Next time...
I'm locking the door.
Suddenly, I heard something (someone?) slam into the door and a small "click". The door swayed open and in came, not one, not two, but three cats looking at me with hungry eyes and smacking lips. Tuna, Phoebe and Dip did not seem to care that i needed to take care of my bodily functions before partaking in feeding them this morning. It just was. not. acceptable.
But what could I do? I mean really. I had no way of shoving them out the door without peeing all over myself. And there the three of them sat.
Just staring.
And staring.
And staring....
OK. Creeped out by all of the staring and now wishing that I had just held it and fed them all first. But now I have a new deli-ma....I am pee shy. And all I could focus on was the 6 little beady eyes staring at me.
And that was when they decided to belt out a chorus of meows.
I love my pets but seriously? Give a girl some privacy.
I'll only say this once. You've won this battle little ones...but the war is not over.
Next time...
I'm locking the door.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Cheap Entertainment = still being broke
Here are a few pictures I would like to share. Please enjoy and have a lovely day:).
"I iz hunting rabbits"
"We iz Mirror images"
"If youz leaves, I will peez."
"We iz lovers not fighters."
"I iz model too yes?"
"I iz not drunk daddy!"
"Will youz marry me too mama?"
"I wuz told there would be cake!"
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Nap time + pets = No sleeping...
I got sent home from work today because I wasn't feeling well and my boss didn't want me getting everyone else sick. (Understandably so...however, in all honesty, we've been all passing around the same virus for about a month now...but that's beside the point.)
I had scheduled a doctor's appointment for 3:30 and it was only noon by the time I got home. I found this to be the perfect opportunity to take a nap.
Let me just say, 3 out of our 6 pets had something else in mind.
I grabbed one of my favorite fleece blankets and fluffed my pillow just right. I snuggled down into the covers, laid my head down and breathed a sigh of pure comfort. (Other than the fact that I was coughing consistently and my nose kept running so I had to keep switching sides.)
Leira curled up on one side of me and Bianca took her position on the other side. We were all nice and comfy when Leira decided to take it upon herself and act like she was having a seizure.
She isn't epileptic.
And I still don't know what the hell she was doing. She would be lying completely still and then suddenly start rolling on her back and trying to catch her tail. (She isn't right. Bless her.)Then she would do her favorite of all favorite things when she's trying to get someone's undivided attention. She slammed her paw down on my face.
Until I finally opened my eyes after trying to initially ignore her, and told her to cut it out.
Once she finally settled in, I got my self comfortable again only to start having a severe coughing attack. This, of course got Lorelai's attention as she came out of no where. She was suddenly on the bed chirping her concerned meow and head butting my forehead to make sure I was OK.
I found this to be very sweet and had to smile. But then she froze. It seems at that moment, she came to realize that Bianca was on the bed curled up with me as well. (They are still trying to work things out...)
So there I was. Lying in between 2 cats that were staring non-blinking at each other. All I could think of was that my face was in the direct fire zone. I didn't dare move. I didn't dare breathe. (This didn't really take much effort considering my already stuffy nose.) I just prayed that somehow I would not be involved in the attack that was sure to pursue.
It was like standing in the middle of a western show down.
I. Was. Scared. Shitless.
Growls were coming from both ends. Neither would close their eyes fully due to their distrust for one another and not wanting to put their guards down.
What seemed like hours later, they finally decided the situation was OK. (Apparently my being in between them was enough distance for them to be civil. Let me just say that my face was so very grateful. So very grateful indeed.)
Ah. Now I can rest I thought to myself.
And it was about this time that Leira decided to have another spastic fit. When I opened my eyes this time, i found my cute, sweet mutt sitting there looking like Santa Claus.
How's that? You ask.
Well I'll tell you.
She had managed to find a white fur ball on the floor and thought it would be a good idea to chew on it. It was hanging from her chin just right.
I wrestled it out of her mouth and being too exhausted to throw it away, I stuffed it under my pillow. (I know. I know. I'm totally gross.)
It took another several minutes for everyone to settle down once again, but finally my head was resting on my super soft pillow and I was beginning to fall into a deep sleep.
And then...
My stupid phone rang.
Are you kidding me?
Of course this sent everyone running, pouncing all over me in my confused state of trying to locate where the horrid noise was coming from.
Once off the phone, they were all sitting there looking at me oh so innocently.
I couldn't be mad. They were all just too darn cute.
But next time I decide to take a nap during the middle of the day...they're all getting locked out!
I had scheduled a doctor's appointment for 3:30 and it was only noon by the time I got home. I found this to be the perfect opportunity to take a nap.
Let me just say, 3 out of our 6 pets had something else in mind.
I grabbed one of my favorite fleece blankets and fluffed my pillow just right. I snuggled down into the covers, laid my head down and breathed a sigh of pure comfort. (Other than the fact that I was coughing consistently and my nose kept running so I had to keep switching sides.)
Leira curled up on one side of me and Bianca took her position on the other side. We were all nice and comfy when Leira decided to take it upon herself and act like she was having a seizure.
She isn't epileptic.
And I still don't know what the hell she was doing. She would be lying completely still and then suddenly start rolling on her back and trying to catch her tail. (She isn't right. Bless her.)Then she would do her favorite of all favorite things when she's trying to get someone's undivided attention. She slammed her paw down on my face.
Until I finally opened my eyes after trying to initially ignore her, and told her to cut it out.
Once she finally settled in, I got my self comfortable again only to start having a severe coughing attack. This, of course got Lorelai's attention as she came out of no where. She was suddenly on the bed chirping her concerned meow and head butting my forehead to make sure I was OK.
I found this to be very sweet and had to smile. But then she froze. It seems at that moment, she came to realize that Bianca was on the bed curled up with me as well. (They are still trying to work things out...)
So there I was. Lying in between 2 cats that were staring non-blinking at each other. All I could think of was that my face was in the direct fire zone. I didn't dare move. I didn't dare breathe. (This didn't really take much effort considering my already stuffy nose.) I just prayed that somehow I would not be involved in the attack that was sure to pursue.
It was like standing in the middle of a western show down.
I. Was. Scared. Shitless.
Growls were coming from both ends. Neither would close their eyes fully due to their distrust for one another and not wanting to put their guards down.
What seemed like hours later, they finally decided the situation was OK. (Apparently my being in between them was enough distance for them to be civil. Let me just say that my face was so very grateful. So very grateful indeed.)
Ah. Now I can rest I thought to myself.
And it was about this time that Leira decided to have another spastic fit. When I opened my eyes this time, i found my cute, sweet mutt sitting there looking like Santa Claus.
How's that? You ask.
Well I'll tell you.
She had managed to find a white fur ball on the floor and thought it would be a good idea to chew on it. It was hanging from her chin just right.
I wrestled it out of her mouth and being too exhausted to throw it away, I stuffed it under my pillow. (I know. I know. I'm totally gross.)
It took another several minutes for everyone to settle down once again, but finally my head was resting on my super soft pillow and I was beginning to fall into a deep sleep.
And then...
My stupid phone rang.
Are you kidding me?
Of course this sent everyone running, pouncing all over me in my confused state of trying to locate where the horrid noise was coming from.
Once off the phone, they were all sitting there looking at me oh so innocently.
I couldn't be mad. They were all just too darn cute.
But next time I decide to take a nap during the middle of the day...they're all getting locked out!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
What Do You Hear In These Sounds?
Lately I've felt a bit off kilter. I can't really explain it but it's like I'm in a room and yet, I'm not. I find myself stuck in the middle of conversations that I have no idea what they're about. I find it hard to focus on the world going on around me and yet I also feel envious of people though I truly know nothing of their lives. I live vicariously through other peoples adventures and pictures that I view on facebook. I feel like everyone is going somewhere but me. I feel stagnant.
For some reason, I view this as a bad thing, when I know deep down it is not. Being stable is something we all strive for, both mentally and physically. I have reached this goal and still, i am lacking.
It is not that I'm ungrateful. I truly have no right to complain or argue this point. I have a loving family. I am engaged to the most wonderful man in this world. I have a beautiful home and a steady job. I have six crazy pets with the best personalities any pet owner could ask for.
So what's missing?
Sometimes i feel empty; almost zombie-like. I run through the motions of every day life with each day that greets me. I get up, take a shower, walk the dog, check my email, get ready for work, go to work, come home, fix dinner, watch t.v and go to bed. "Routine" is an understatement in the world I have let myself become a part of.
Routine is not something I want to welcome.
I lack the motivation to reach out for those long lost dreams that i have always dreamed. Small things like taking dancing lessons or a yoga class. Joining the roller derby. Marching in a protest. Going on a music festival tour. Traveling to India.
The dream I am most challenged by is that of becoming a writer. I don't wish for the fame or fortune. The only wish I hold is to be recognized and heard. It's not that I feel my thoughts, random as they may be, are worth such recognition. It's only that this has been my biggest dream for as long as I can remember. And all I am doing is continuing to put it off day by day. Through making my life so routine and not making the time to really commit.
My mind voices excuse after excuse. I'm too tired. I have no inspiration. It's been a long day. I have no time.
The only excuse my mind seems to avoid is that I'm scared.
Writing is the one inanimate thing in life I do not want to risk failing. I have held onto it for too long. If I failed....I'm not sure where I could go from there.
But the only way to risk probable failure is to try. And the only way to succeed is to try. No one ever said it would be easy.
I just need to get off my lazy ass and do it.....
For some reason, I view this as a bad thing, when I know deep down it is not. Being stable is something we all strive for, both mentally and physically. I have reached this goal and still, i am lacking.
It is not that I'm ungrateful. I truly have no right to complain or argue this point. I have a loving family. I am engaged to the most wonderful man in this world. I have a beautiful home and a steady job. I have six crazy pets with the best personalities any pet owner could ask for.
So what's missing?
Sometimes i feel empty; almost zombie-like. I run through the motions of every day life with each day that greets me. I get up, take a shower, walk the dog, check my email, get ready for work, go to work, come home, fix dinner, watch t.v and go to bed. "Routine" is an understatement in the world I have let myself become a part of.
Routine is not something I want to welcome.
I lack the motivation to reach out for those long lost dreams that i have always dreamed. Small things like taking dancing lessons or a yoga class. Joining the roller derby. Marching in a protest. Going on a music festival tour. Traveling to India.
The dream I am most challenged by is that of becoming a writer. I don't wish for the fame or fortune. The only wish I hold is to be recognized and heard. It's not that I feel my thoughts, random as they may be, are worth such recognition. It's only that this has been my biggest dream for as long as I can remember. And all I am doing is continuing to put it off day by day. Through making my life so routine and not making the time to really commit.
My mind voices excuse after excuse. I'm too tired. I have no inspiration. It's been a long day. I have no time.
The only excuse my mind seems to avoid is that I'm scared.
Writing is the one inanimate thing in life I do not want to risk failing. I have held onto it for too long. If I failed....I'm not sure where I could go from there.
But the only way to risk probable failure is to try. And the only way to succeed is to try. No one ever said it would be easy.
I just need to get off my lazy ass and do it.....
Thursday, October 1, 2009
You say goodbye and I say...hey! Where did you go?
So I was waving goodbye to Andrew a couple of mornings ago;(Something that we do every morning, while Lorelai, Leira and Dip usually watch whoever is leaving first drive away to start their day.)
On this particular morning, Tuna was hanging out close by. I turned to wave at Andrew as he drove away...
And I hear this big BANG!
I looked all around me to try and figure out the source from which it came and saw....
Then, I looked up....
And this is what I discovered:

This would be Tuna....
on top of the door frame to our front door....
On this particular morning, Tuna was hanging out close by. I turned to wave at Andrew as he drove away...
And I hear this big BANG!
I looked all around me to try and figure out the source from which it came and saw....
Then, I looked up....
And this is what I discovered:
This would be Tuna....
on top of the door frame to our front door....
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