Tuesday, February 24, 2009

This morning I was thumbing (Ha! No pun intended...see previous post) through some old picture files and came across a video Andrew and I had recorded a few weeks ago. Now before I share it, I want to explain to you that a lot of our entertainment comes from our pets. You may have heard the rumors that we have created voices for all 6 of them and will sit around for hours having conversations, telling stories, ect, ect, ect. Sadly, these rumors are true.
Lorelai is the sassy one. For some reason, she always comes across as being moody, but in all reality, she's a super sweet kitty. Very loving and affectionate. Her favorite pastime is "telling stories" about dolphins walking and ponies eating pretzels. (I swear we don't do drugs). I will warn you however. If you come to our house often enough, you will probably hear one or both of these stories multiple times because she seems to have a problem with short-term memory loss.
Tuna is mysterious. His voice is usually British but most of the time he doesn't talk. He's more the observant type. He is the most social when it comes to company. In fact, you would only think we had one cat if you don't go upstairs where the other 4 are likely hiding. He is very sweet as well, but don't let him fool you. One of his favorite things to do is sit on the corner of a counter and wait for someone to walk by so he can swat at him.He sneaks around and tears down tapestries and tries to get the blinds but has yet to be successful in that feat.
Phoebe. Ah Phoebe. The only thing she really talks about is cake. To my knowledge, she has never actually had anything resembling a cake-like persuasion. Oddly enough though, when I'm baking, this is when she decides to jump up on the counters and investigate. Her voice sounds like Andre the Giant in The Princess Bride. She loves to find a lap to lay in and fall asleep. Where I'm sure her dreams are filled with sugar-plum fairies and of course...cake.
Leira kind of talks like she's dumb. I know. It sounds mean, but if you saw her facial expressions on a daily basis,you would surely understand. She can also do Jimmy Stewart impressions and make a face like the joker from the first Batman movie (the one with Michael Keaton). She doesn't care about other dogs...in fact, I'm beginning to wonder if she thinks she's a cat. She loves loves loves people though! And when company comes over, she thinks they have come to see her and only her, therefore kicking all training that we have worked with her on, out the window.
Dip and Bianca, our newest additions are what Andrew refers to as "the pod people". They have alian voices. They like to sit really still and stare at you. Currently, their favorite statement is "do not be afraid". It took me 2 months to finally figure out who Dip looks like and I've finally found it! He looks like Falcour (totally spelled that wrong), the big flying dog-thing in The Neverending Story. He loves to curl up and snuggle with me on the couch when I'm watching t.v. Bianca is still adjusting. She finally made it downstairs this weekend. But her favorite place has become Potsie's (our old family dog) bed that is in our bedroom.
So after having this information under your belt now, I would now like to share with you Lorelai and Tuna's tribute to Audrey Hepburn. Enjoy.

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