Friday, March 20, 2009

It doesn't take much

So yesterday was my day off. I spent the morning volunteering at the SPCA as I do every Thursday. Then I came home, took a shower and started cleaning the house while listening to the Pat Benatar station on Pandora. (I was totally rocking out!)

After some extensive cleaning, including, but not limited too, spending an entire hour shoveling out all 4 (yes 4) litter boxes, emptying them completely, wiping them down with Clorox and then refilling them (and not 2 seconds later , I turn around and Tuna is taking a dump....figures).

I'm off track....Right. So then I decided to go run some errands.

My first stop was Goodwill where I found 3 books and a pair of jeans for only $5.50! (Awesome!) However, I did have to try on the jeans in a dressing room with very thin walls and I could hear the lady beside me having an argument....with herself. Very strange. I couldn't understand what she was saying, but she kept going on and on and on and on and saying "Oh Lordy" over and over again. Later I saw this same customer up at the cash register asking over and over how much each item was, not even giving the poor cashier much of a chance to answer. And she's allowed to go out in public...crazy!

Then I went to Target to get some essentials (shaving lotion, soap, toilet paper, ect.). My cashier was a bit odd and kept looking at the toilet paper with a side glace...almost like he was embarrassed by it. (Hello. We all use it buddy...not. that. weird. of a purchase.) Then he proceeded to shove it in my face after ringing it up, saying "Here!". I almost dropped it as I was trying to put my debit card back in my wallet (yea for me putting it back where it belongs....that's another story).

Next was the bank...not all that interesting due to the fact that I never see the money that goes's already pretty much spent. So sad. Next was bath and body works where I got an excellent deal on hand soap (3 for $10!!!). A whole lot of awesome-ness:).

By this time, I was in great need of some socialization. I went home and walked Leira, fed everybody and then sat by the window (like the puppy I apparantly am) until Andrew came home. Leira and I greeted him at the door where she thin sat real pretty and showed him her brand new collar. (So cute and green with POLKA DOTS!!!). So exciting. Then we proceeded to follow him upstairs, as I stopped to show him all the cleaning I had done and asked him about his day.

We were laying on the bed when I suddenly got the urge to try one of my sweat shirts on Leira to see what would happen. (I've been trying to convince Andrew for months that she would look so super cute in a little hoodie.) This was the result:

By far. This was the most entertaining and interesting part of my day. Gotta love cheap entertainment. It doesn't take much to make us happy.

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