I started collecting snow globes when I was around 11 or 12. They're the really, pretty Disney ones that are extremely well made and look just like the characters from the movies. (I know. Geek alert! Right?) Oh well. I will flaunt my geekiness with pride gosh darn it! (Who says gosh darn it? I do! That's right...) But anyway, these snow globes have traveled along with me to many an abode, but for the past 5 years, I have had no where to store them. So alas, they have been sitting in their individual boxes, collecting dust and playing their pretty music for no one. So sad. So sad.
So about a year ago, my dad mentioned to his friend J.R. that I had been wanting a special cabinet to put my special snow globes in for display. His friend J.R. is the sweetest man you could ever meet (aside from my own daddy:), though he does look a bit like Yosemite Sam and carries a gun in his boot.
He was more than happy to accept the challenge so the project began.
Each time I went to see my parents in Asheville, I got to see the progress that was being made. Suddenly, the cabinet was starting to look like a real cabinet with glass doors and everything. (So exciting!) J.R's wife Sheila even made the handles out to look like miniature snow globes with The Little Mermaid and Cinderella characters painted on them (yes...I'm still 5 years old, but I love it!:)
I kept thinking it was finished each time I laid eyes upon it, but dad kept finding more things to do to it. For example, it needed to be sanded, stained, yada yada yada. Good God it was taking F.O.R.E.V.E.R. (Not really...but I'm not the most patient person in the world...ask Andrew. )
The other day, I got an email. It was from an email address I had never seen before but I clicked on it anyway, hoping that it wasn't spam. No. It wasn't It was my father. (Who knew he could use email?...Just kidding daddy...you know I only tease because I love.) This magical email enclosed the words I had been waiting to hear (see?). "We are bringing up your cabinet this weekend". A choir sang, bells rang and angels got their wings.("Way to go Clarence!") The day had finally come.
And it's so preeeeety! It sits in our dining room and welcomes us home every day from work. Andrew loves to surprise me with winding up a different one every day so we can hear it's sweet Disney music. They are all displayed once again, finally breaking free from their styrofoam cages and singing their beautiful music. My own "Enchanted" in the form of a cabinet specifically designed for snow globes. Life could not be any sweeter.
It looks great!!! Can't wait to see it in person.