Monday, March 9, 2009

Writer's Block

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The fear of all fears when it comes to trying to be a successful writer. It has happened folks. For the past 3 days I haven't been able to think of anything to write about! So sad so sad.

And it seems like every time I do think of something,I'm driving or have no access to a computer or a pen and paper.I think to myself, "It's OK. I won't forget it." And alas, I get home and it's forgotten. What to do what to do.

Maybe I should get a tape recorder. Seems like I had one lying around here some where. What ever happened to that thing? I don't have any tapes for it anyway...or there's the whole possibility that I sold it...but I don't remember.

I do have a notepad in my purse, but I don't feel comfortable writing anything down when I'm in the process of driving. Believe me, I have tried this before, and it wasn't pretty. I either go back and try to look at what I wrote down and can't even decipher it, or I almost end up driving off the side of the road.

Hopefully this is just temporary. Though I'm sure as soon as I get in the car to drive to work, I will think of something. Woe is me.

Better luck next time.


  1. IS it a conundrum to write about how you have nothing to write about. Is it like saying I have nothing to say.
    I don't know....these questions go unanswered like a duck on water.

  2. And yet a duck on water is only really a duck. Think about it....huh?

  3. and then it flies and then you have to duck....

  4. I couldn't have said it better myself...but I'll try..."duck" you:)
