But I haven't been able to get fall decorations since then...perhaps it has to do with the fact that my mom would buy me the decorations when I was younger and I have yet to have been able to afford to buy my own since I became an adult. I'm sure she would buy me some now if I were to ask her...but I have pride people. I. Have. Pride.
But guess what guess what!?!? I bought my very first fall decoration the other day at Michaels. Hee! It's one of those cute scarecrows that you can put in your yard to greet cars as they drive by and guests as they walk into your home. I imagine that people drive by and see my little scarecrow and think to themselves "now isn't that sweet. Look at that family getting into the spirit of things. I love her! (him?...I'm not sure but I did name it Bridgett.)
I have been eying these scarecrows with their cute farmhand clothes and little bow ties and hats for nearly 3 years (I know...sad right?) and now I have one. And she is standing at the very front of our cute townhouse awaiting our next visitor. And I have to be honest....
She kind of scares me.
Every time I look out the front windows, I jump back because I see her non-moving frame standing there like she's ready to attack. Then I have to remind myself that she is not the little girl from "The Ring" planning to throw me down a well, she's my cute scarecrow named Bridget and everyone loves her and smiles when they drive by.
This is not a face I should be concerned with....even if she were real...and looked like that...like she wants to eat my soul...
Hmmm...I might have to retire her after this year....
i love you my nerdy friend!