Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Top 10 things that cheer me up on a rainy day:

10) Well, in all honesty, I like the rain, especially when it's late at night and I can hear it tap tap tapping on the window panes. It relaxes me and makes me feel safe inside our cute little townhouse, snuggled up under the covers with Leira curled up right between Andrew and I. This is what life is all about.

9) Staying in and eating junk food, watching old movies and laughing until I cry (or vis-versa depending on the flick). There are just some movies that I can watch over and over again and never get enough.

Some that immediately come to mind: Breakfast At Tiffanys, While You Were Sleeping, 13 Going on 30, Harry Potter.....and so on and so on

8) Taking a nap. Let's be honest, any day that I actually get a chance to do this is a good day:). I totally took this for granted when I was little. I wanted to spend every moment I could wide awake in the hopes that i would never miss anything. But these days, a nap picks me up just like that and I'm ready to conquer the world once again. Without such naps...i can still conquer the world...only a bit more sluggishly.

7) Having the extra time to "stalk" people on Myspace and Facebook. Don't judge! We all do it and you know it!!! What better way to keep up with ex's and old "friends" from high school than to check out their recent updates and statuses and pictures without having to actually TALK to them?!?! GENIUS! And my happiness increases in points each time I come across an old classmate who is now fat....that's right. I am woman hear me roar! Grr...

6) Rearranging furniture. I go through spring cleaning more than the average person. I like to have little changes around me such as moving the couch an inch to the left or moving bookcases from one corner to another. It makes me feel refreshed. And it also helps me to feel like my life is not at a stand still. I think in some cultures, this is called Feng Shui.....in my culture, I like to call it "Mary's bored and needs something to do so she's going to move things around until she gets tired or distracted by the task of doing something else."

5) Baking cookies. I love the smell of fresh baked cookies!!! Especially on a rainy day. It's like the extra rain smell adds to the flavor or something. I can't quite describe it. Just trust me on this: Chocolate+rain= yummy yummy goodness.

4) Watching the rain from our bay window in the front of the house with a kitty on my lap (or 2 or 3 and so on and so on:). This is pure bliss. Nothing can quite take the place of this....hee that rhymed!

3) Playing with the dog. Andrew and I have this game we play with Leira where we'll chase her up and down the stairs and all around the house. We'll go in separate directions in order to confuse her (which really doesn't take much) and sometimes we'll hide behind a closed door to see if she notices. This is a very fun and cheap form of entertainment. Ah. The classic moments that make up our lives.

2) Staying in my pajamas all day. Do I really need to say more than this?

1) Reading a good book or 2 (most likely of the memoir or vampire/witch/werewolf persuasion as of late...depending on the mood). Quiet time+a fantastic read= happiness and pure content.

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