I've had kinda a shitty day. Perhaps that was too blunt and pessimistic....I'll put it this way, it could have been better.
I got to work (yes, on a Saturday...sad face) and I had tons of phone calls to make so I was already a bit stressed about that. (Though thank you Mandy for helping me out with this:). Then upon making one of the phone calls, the guy started yelling at me across the phone line about how our hospital's communication has, and I quote, "completely gone down hill." Then he threatened to take all of his pet's records and have them transferred.
I was stunned. I was only the middle man who was asked to make a phone call and see if I could help in any way. I understood his frustration and I would have loved to help him further but him yelling at me was not going to make things better for either one of us. Then (like a complete over-sensitive little girl) I began to cry...on the phone...with Mr. Angry still yelling at me. (How humiliating...and talk about losing my pride.) I will say however, once he heard how upset I was, he did apologize and took the time to tell me it wasn't me he was upset with and yada yada yada. But here's the thing...he knew this before he started yelling at me so why did he have to take it out on me in the first place? I don't understand people's rationale sometimes. I just don't get it. And I know I shouldn't take it personally but I do and I can't help it. I want to help when someone is feeling upset (even if it's not my job to.) And this was one of my favorite clients so that made it even worse....
Next was the humongous dog in room 2 of whom we had never seen before and out-weighed me, not only in size but in strength. I couldn't tell if he wanted to eat me or lick me to death. And he kept barking the whole time when I was trying to get the history from his soft-spoken owner and I had to keep repeating myself and asking her to repeat herself and it was a huge mess. The big (perhaps scary...but actually sweet?...not sure at that point)dog then decided to jump up on the exam table (on his own I might add) and I looked up and saw his big head and tongue (not to mention teeth) right in my face.
Once i finally finished getting a history and going over the treatment plan, I took him back to take his temperature and get his weight and such. And let me just tell you...he was the absolute dumbest, goofiest pit bull I have ever met (and I've met some goofy pits in my time). But he was sweet as anything and all he wanted to do was lick everybody.
Last, but certainly not least....a cat tried to kill me and one of my co-workers. I haven't the energy to tell this tale (no pun intended). But towels, gloves, urine, teeth and claws were all involved.....use your imagination at will.
I love my job, but some days I wish I could go back to retail....though once I did have a guy throw a piece of a fan at me when I was working in customer service....I swear I'm a nice person. The general public just happens to include a bunch of assholes and I apparently have to deal with a lot of them.
I will say, and end this short (hmmmmm perhaps not so short...oops) rant with this: my faith in humanity was completely restored when I went to Target and overheard a little girl talking to her mom about Michael Jackson.
"How many people do you know who can moonwalk like Michael Jackson?" (How. Cute. Is. That?)
I never heard her mom's answer but the fact that this small individual knew who he was made me smile. So I send out a huge "THANK YOU" to the little girl who will help to live out his remembrance.
Maybe at least she won't grow up to be an asshole.....
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