- I have currently ran out of face wash and not yet made it to the store to buy more. However, I have been using my regular body wash and yet, my face seems to be clearing up better than it was when I was using my face wash twice a day. Case in point? I have spent hundreds (OK, let's be honest...hundred singular...which is pushing it) of dollars on all different kinds of face wash. And now it seems all I had to do was use the body wash I already had.....interesting.
- I was walking the Leira dog this evening and was completely stunned to see that someone on my road has put up a Christmas tree that appears to be spray painted white. To make it worse, it is covered in bright neon pink and green and yellow lights. Can. You. Say. Hideous? Perhaps that is a bit harsh. Who am I to be judgmental on Christmas....but really?
- Speaking of said white Christmas tree listed above...I think I spotted a menorah in the same window.....Is that allowed for the Jewish?
- I don't consider myself too much of a TV watcher. In fact, I can be pretty harsh on TV shows if I don't like the pilot. And yet...I watch The Nanny religiously. What. Is. That?
- No matter what I do to try to prevent it, laundry always piles up and is a never ending process. Where does it all come from? And how do I make it stop?
- I have found that children under the age of 2 are not interested in the present inside the box, only the box itself and perhaps the ribbon used to decorate it therefore causing a slightly possible chance that he will be visiting the emergency room sometime in his very near future...
- When decorating the tree at work last week, I knew that one of my co-workers was having a bad day. Therefore I asked her if she would like to join in the Christmas spirit. She looked at me blankly and said "I've never liked decorating Christmas trees. I let my husband and son do it this year. All I had to do was buy one of those big boxes of multicolored ornaments at Target and I'll just throw them all away at the end of the year." I can't tell you how sad this makes me.
- We have a dog that has been coming to work during the day to Hospital board. He is actually going to be boarding during the entire weekend. I walked in on a conversation of one of the technicians complaining about why he is boarding all of the time. I looked at her and said "His mom is in a wheel chair and can't take care of him during the day." She looked at me and replied, "I mean I know she has MS but......".......All I have to say is REALLY?
- The paper towel dispenser attacked me today and made me pull a muscle in my neck. That can't be normal, right?
- The movie Stigmata. Two words. Purple. Jellies.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Things that make me go...huh?
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Horror on Glendower
There are times that I don't care too much for having a vivid imagination. For example, when the power goes out, I'm home alone and I still have to get ready for work. (AKA: Having to take a shower in the dark, scary bathroom...)
I think to myself as the lights flicker to a permanent "off" (of course perfectly timed to do so as Andrew is driving himself off to work...figures), "OK. This can't be too bad right?" I grab a couple of candles and walk up the dark staircase to the bathroom.
Even during the middle of the day, it is pitch black. I try to light one candle. Burn myself in the process and have false hope in accomplishing lighting it for the first time, only to watch the minuscule flame flicker out before my very eyes.
I glance around accusingly, "OK. Did a ghost just blow out my candle for shits and giggles?"
I try another candle, burning myself yet again, but manage to keep the flame intact. I follow suit by lighting several more candles and set them all on the toilet seat. I look around.
Um. The bathroom is still pretty dark.
Damn. It.
So I go downstairs in hopes that time will make the candle light seem brighter. (Shut-up. When you're scared, any excuse to prolong the situation works in the mind of the over-imaginative.)
I sit in front of our bay window because it is the only place in the house that lets a lot of light in. I stair outside and watch the stupid workmen who are responsible for this predicament.
I silently curse them.
The. Evil. Bastards.
I look at the clock and realize I cannot wait any longer.
It is time.
I make sure (several times I might add) that the front door is locked (back door too even though we hardly ever use it. But I can't take any chances.) I begrudgingly walk back up the stairs with my dog Leira at my heels.
I silently think to myself, "well should someone decide to break in while I'm in the shower, surely my dog or at least one of our 5 cats would protect me."
I try not to think too hard over the mere fact that said dog is actually afraid of at least one of said 5 cats and that most likely my last vision before being brutally murdered via being stabbed to death, would be of my pansy-ass dog's rear end sticking out from under the bed. (I think she thinks she's an ostrich?)
Guard dog she is not.
I make it upstairs only to find that my brilliant idea of waiting for the candlelight to get brighter has back-fired.
The "lighting" is just as dull as before.
I sigh, try the light switch one last time (just in case)- nothing but darkness and mocking flames.
"Here goes." I think to myself.
As I step in the shower, I turn to find Leira and one of our cats Lorelai sitting by the door to the bathroom.
Awe. Perhaps they would protect me after all.
While in the shower, I think I hear a noise downstairs. I peer timidly out from behind the shower curtain, Lorelai and Leira are gone...
I pick up the pace in the shower trying not to think of the random scenarios going through my head. For example:
The noise I heard is one of the workmen I had previously seen outside. But he is not a workman. he is in disguise and he is a known rapist/murderer and I am his next victim. He stalks around my downstairs dining room after breaking the lock on the front door and peers down at something on the kitchen table.
It's a notepad and what appears to be a short story. He thinks to himself, "Ah. She's a writer. Too bad she will never be published because she will be dead soon." [insert evil laugh here].
As for his appearance, he has a mullet and a handle bar mustache, clothed in tight dark jeans and a flannel shirt that barely covers his beer gut.
He creeps up the stairs to find me.
So as you might have guessed, in thinking of all of this, I am slightly panicked. I keep peering out from the shower curtain, expecting to see said scary ass man standing there in my dark bathroom with a hatchet. In doing this over and over again, the only thing I accomplish is managing to get shampoo in my eyes and panicking even more because now I can't even see my attacker coming. I try to open my eyes more and more but the burning is too much and I am now blind.
Forget it.
I've had enough. Still soapy and wet, I turn off the faucet and grab for a towel. (This takes me a few minutes considering I still can't see...)
I wrap the towel around me and slowly pull the shower curtain back.
There is no one there.
But what if he's hiding behind the door and he's just waiting for me to step out of the bathroom for him to do his evil deed?
I feel so small and trapped in my little, dark bathroom.
I hear a noise. I hear footsteps. I open my mouth to scream and then....
"Chiiiiiirp meeeeeeow." says Lorelai as she struts into the bathroom and looks at my fear stricken face.
She looks at me in a way that says, "It's OK Mama. Stop freaking out."
I begin to giggle at myself. Then my giggles turn into chuckles. Now I'm boiled over with laughter and I can't seem to make myself stop.
I. Am. Delirious.
One things for sure though. If this horrid thing ever happens again. I'm going to work dirty.
It's just not worth the effort.
I think to myself as the lights flicker to a permanent "off" (of course perfectly timed to do so as Andrew is driving himself off to work...figures), "OK. This can't be too bad right?" I grab a couple of candles and walk up the dark staircase to the bathroom.
Even during the middle of the day, it is pitch black. I try to light one candle. Burn myself in the process and have false hope in accomplishing lighting it for the first time, only to watch the minuscule flame flicker out before my very eyes.
I glance around accusingly, "OK. Did a ghost just blow out my candle for shits and giggles?"
I try another candle, burning myself yet again, but manage to keep the flame intact. I follow suit by lighting several more candles and set them all on the toilet seat. I look around.
Um. The bathroom is still pretty dark.
Damn. It.
So I go downstairs in hopes that time will make the candle light seem brighter. (Shut-up. When you're scared, any excuse to prolong the situation works in the mind of the over-imaginative.)
I sit in front of our bay window because it is the only place in the house that lets a lot of light in. I stair outside and watch the stupid workmen who are responsible for this predicament.
I silently curse them.
The. Evil. Bastards.
I look at the clock and realize I cannot wait any longer.
It is time.
I make sure (several times I might add) that the front door is locked (back door too even though we hardly ever use it. But I can't take any chances.) I begrudgingly walk back up the stairs with my dog Leira at my heels.
I silently think to myself, "well should someone decide to break in while I'm in the shower, surely my dog or at least one of our 5 cats would protect me."
I try not to think too hard over the mere fact that said dog is actually afraid of at least one of said 5 cats and that most likely my last vision before being brutally murdered via being stabbed to death, would be of my pansy-ass dog's rear end sticking out from under the bed. (I think she thinks she's an ostrich?)
Guard dog she is not.
I make it upstairs only to find that my brilliant idea of waiting for the candlelight to get brighter has back-fired.
The "lighting" is just as dull as before.
I sigh, try the light switch one last time (just in case)- nothing but darkness and mocking flames.
"Here goes." I think to myself.
As I step in the shower, I turn to find Leira and one of our cats Lorelai sitting by the door to the bathroom.
Awe. Perhaps they would protect me after all.
While in the shower, I think I hear a noise downstairs. I peer timidly out from behind the shower curtain, Lorelai and Leira are gone...
I pick up the pace in the shower trying not to think of the random scenarios going through my head. For example:
The noise I heard is one of the workmen I had previously seen outside. But he is not a workman. he is in disguise and he is a known rapist/murderer and I am his next victim. He stalks around my downstairs dining room after breaking the lock on the front door and peers down at something on the kitchen table.
It's a notepad and what appears to be a short story. He thinks to himself, "Ah. She's a writer. Too bad she will never be published because she will be dead soon." [insert evil laugh here].
As for his appearance, he has a mullet and a handle bar mustache, clothed in tight dark jeans and a flannel shirt that barely covers his beer gut.
He creeps up the stairs to find me.
So as you might have guessed, in thinking of all of this, I am slightly panicked. I keep peering out from the shower curtain, expecting to see said scary ass man standing there in my dark bathroom with a hatchet. In doing this over and over again, the only thing I accomplish is managing to get shampoo in my eyes and panicking even more because now I can't even see my attacker coming. I try to open my eyes more and more but the burning is too much and I am now blind.
Forget it.
I've had enough. Still soapy and wet, I turn off the faucet and grab for a towel. (This takes me a few minutes considering I still can't see...)
I wrap the towel around me and slowly pull the shower curtain back.
There is no one there.
But what if he's hiding behind the door and he's just waiting for me to step out of the bathroom for him to do his evil deed?
I feel so small and trapped in my little, dark bathroom.
I hear a noise. I hear footsteps. I open my mouth to scream and then....
"Chiiiiiirp meeeeeeow." says Lorelai as she struts into the bathroom and looks at my fear stricken face.
She looks at me in a way that says, "It's OK Mama. Stop freaking out."
I begin to giggle at myself. Then my giggles turn into chuckles. Now I'm boiled over with laughter and I can't seem to make myself stop.
I. Am. Delirious.
One things for sure though. If this horrid thing ever happens again. I'm going to work dirty.
It's just not worth the effort.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Squirrel or Dog? That is the question.
So for those of you who don't know this already, our dog Leira's favorite toy is her stuffed squirrel. (In all reality, it is no longer stuffed because she ripped all of the fun fluffy stuff out and it is indeed flat. Plus I don't really think it's a squirrel. Perhaps it's a cat...? But at any rate, it is not really recognizable now what type of "animal" it started out as...so we just call it her squirrel.)
And because of her love for her favorite toy, when I came across a squirrel costume in target around Halloween...I couldn't resist. I mean really? What is cuter than a dog dressed as a squirrel?
Can't think of anything can you?
That's what I thought.
But I have a feeling that somehow during playtime with her squirrel and dressing her up like one, Leira might...just might be a bit confused.
This thought crossed my mind the other morning when I was taking her on her walk. We were quietly frolicking along the sidewalk when I saw a squirrel running across the street. It just so happened that a car was coming very quickly down the road (because people are stupid around here and drive too fast...ahem). I glanced up at the squirrel who had chosen that precise moment to sit and investigate an acorn....IN THE STREET!
Without even thinking, I yelled "Run squirrel run!" In which at this time Leira picked up her pace to full speed and started running as fast as she could.....
The squirrel made it but by this time I had another thought brewing in my mind...did Leira perhaps think I was yelling at her to run? Does she think she's a squirrel when indeed she is not? Have I given her some kind of inter-species complex?
I looked down in the middle of my thought process because Leira had come to a full stop. She was chewing on something she had found in the grass. I began trying to pry the contents out of her mouth and alas found that the object of which she was chewing was....
An acorn....
My God. What have I done?
And because of her love for her favorite toy, when I came across a squirrel costume in target around Halloween...I couldn't resist. I mean really? What is cuter than a dog dressed as a squirrel?
Can't think of anything can you?
That's what I thought.
But I have a feeling that somehow during playtime with her squirrel and dressing her up like one, Leira might...just might be a bit confused.
This thought crossed my mind the other morning when I was taking her on her walk. We were quietly frolicking along the sidewalk when I saw a squirrel running across the street. It just so happened that a car was coming very quickly down the road (because people are stupid around here and drive too fast...ahem). I glanced up at the squirrel who had chosen that precise moment to sit and investigate an acorn....IN THE STREET!
Without even thinking, I yelled "Run squirrel run!" In which at this time Leira picked up her pace to full speed and started running as fast as she could.....
The squirrel made it but by this time I had another thought brewing in my mind...did Leira perhaps think I was yelling at her to run? Does she think she's a squirrel when indeed she is not? Have I given her some kind of inter-species complex?
I looked down in the middle of my thought process because Leira had come to a full stop. She was chewing on something she had found in the grass. I began trying to pry the contents out of her mouth and alas found that the object of which she was chewing was....
An acorn....
My God. What have I done?
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Bless the Southern Culture
Growing up in the outskirts of Asheville, NC in Buncombe County, I learned many phrases that might seem unusual to any outsider. Upon thinking of this fact the other day, I found that many of these phrases include the word "bless". We southerners like to bless everything. Here are just a few examples:
"Bless your Heart."
"Bless him."[insert "I feel sorry for you" face here]
"Did you hear that crazy lady bless me out?" (I found that Andrew had never heard of this phrase and when I used it he looked at me like he was confused. I didn't hold it against him though...he's one of them northerners.)
"That happens too me every blessed time." (This one's a nicer way to use the word "f***".)
In church, we like to scream "Bless the Lord." a lot. But I have also found that this phrase is also used in other circumstances such as when a child does something cute or stupid. This is when your grandmother looks at you and shakes her head saying "bless the Lord you is and idiot."
And last but not least, "Bless my soul."
Let me just say, I am very blessed (ooh! that was another one!) to have grown up in a southern culture. It is part of who I am today.
Bless my little heart.
"Bless your Heart."
"Bless him."[insert "I feel sorry for you" face here]
"Did you hear that crazy lady bless me out?" (I found that Andrew had never heard of this phrase and when I used it he looked at me like he was confused. I didn't hold it against him though...he's one of them northerners.)
"That happens too me every blessed time." (This one's a nicer way to use the word "f***".)
In church, we like to scream "Bless the Lord." a lot. But I have also found that this phrase is also used in other circumstances such as when a child does something cute or stupid. This is when your grandmother looks at you and shakes her head saying "bless the Lord you is and idiot."
And last but not least, "Bless my soul."
Let me just say, I am very blessed (ooh! that was another one!) to have grown up in a southern culture. It is part of who I am today.
Bless my little heart.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Punch bug, slow bug...it's all the same when your'e being hit by your mother.
My brother and I taught our parents the rules of the game "punch buggy [insert color here] back when I was in middle school....17 years ago.
Should you ever travel in the car with my parents in this day and age, you will be forced to hear from the backseat random bits of conversation interrupted by "Blue!" or "Green" and a swift punch into the opposite person's shoulder. And as if nothing happened at all, the conversation will resume.
For example, Andrew and I went to visit my parents a couple of weekends ago and this is the conversation we were forced to listen in on.
Mom: "I'm so excited about Jackson Brown, but I haven't brought myself..."Red!" (then punches my Dad mercilessly as hard as she can) to listen to him too much because i don't want to get too excited before the concert."
Dad: "Which Carrabba's are we going to?" (There are only two in Asheville and we always go to the same one so I'm not sure why he asks this question every time we go...it will always remain a mystery to me.)
Mom turns around to look at us in the backseat and is side-swiped by Dad's ruthless punch into her right arm "Silver" he yells.
Mom: without a bit of distraction, "where do you guys want to go?"
Andrew and I just stare completely baffled at the violence that sits before us.
On a slightly different note, I can't tell you how many times I have been driving my Mom somewhere when out of nowhere she hits me and almost startles me to the point I run off the road. I stare at her in the passenger seat looking so sweet and innocent, constantly reminding her that I am not Dad and that she almost gave me a heart attack.
Mom: "Oh I'm so sorry." (But it never stops her...nope. She still does it. She claims it's because she's so used to riding in the car with Dad. But I honestly think it's her way of getting back at me for giving her such a hard time when I was a teenager.)
It should really be a form of child abuse. I can see it in the headlines now, "Punch Buggy Lavender. It's Not To Late To Seek Help Now."
It could be the next episode on "The Closer."
An episode that I could completely identify with.
Should you ever travel in the car with my parents in this day and age, you will be forced to hear from the backseat random bits of conversation interrupted by "Blue!" or "Green" and a swift punch into the opposite person's shoulder. And as if nothing happened at all, the conversation will resume.
For example, Andrew and I went to visit my parents a couple of weekends ago and this is the conversation we were forced to listen in on.
Mom: "I'm so excited about Jackson Brown, but I haven't brought myself..."Red!" (then punches my Dad mercilessly as hard as she can) to listen to him too much because i don't want to get too excited before the concert."
Dad: "Which Carrabba's are we going to?" (There are only two in Asheville and we always go to the same one so I'm not sure why he asks this question every time we go...it will always remain a mystery to me.)
Mom turns around to look at us in the backseat and is side-swiped by Dad's ruthless punch into her right arm "Silver" he yells.
Mom: without a bit of distraction, "where do you guys want to go?"
Andrew and I just stare completely baffled at the violence that sits before us.
On a slightly different note, I can't tell you how many times I have been driving my Mom somewhere when out of nowhere she hits me and almost startles me to the point I run off the road. I stare at her in the passenger seat looking so sweet and innocent, constantly reminding her that I am not Dad and that she almost gave me a heart attack.
Mom: "Oh I'm so sorry." (But it never stops her...nope. She still does it. She claims it's because she's so used to riding in the car with Dad. But I honestly think it's her way of getting back at me for giving her such a hard time when I was a teenager.)
It should really be a form of child abuse. I can see it in the headlines now, "Punch Buggy Lavender. It's Not To Late To Seek Help Now."
It could be the next episode on "The Closer."
An episode that I could completely identify with.
Obcession: Perhaps something of an addiciton.
I have a problem. That's the first step right? Getting through the denial...the denial of "I can stop any time." "I don't really need to spend the money so I'll pass." "One excuse after another until it hits....
No longer do you have enough space to put them all. No longer do you even have the extra corner to throw in another bookcase in order to place them. You're stuck and yet....you crave more.
That's right. You guessed it.
Hi. My name is Mary and I am a hoarder of books.
There, I said it. Whew. I fell so much better!
But seriously, when is enough enough? I tell myself over and over again, "Mary, there are so many books on your shelves that you haven't read...and even if you try to read 4 and 5 at a time, if you keep buying more, there is no way to catch up."
But the buying of said books continues. From classics, to memoirs, to cheesy vampire series' I tend to drift to in the "popular teen" section. (Hey! I said I have a problem. I never said I was proud of it.)
I walk into a bookstore calmly and think to myself, "I'll just browse. I don't need to buy."
But then I see a shiny new cover of an author I collect (never mind that I haven't even read one word of said author...but her covers are preeety and shiny and I find myself addicted to buying the whole series before I even glance at the first page.)
Then there are those authors I am so in love with because I have read everything they have ever written and the moment they release a new book it's like homemade brownies to a pothead.
I. Want. Them. All. (books....and brownies)
Is that really so much to ask?
Maybe I just need a bigger place to where I can put more bookshelves and therefore more books. That would solve my problem right? And then...it wouldn't be a problem anymore.
Ooh. I think I'll go browse on Amazon right now.
You know, just to look.
No longer do you have enough space to put them all. No longer do you even have the extra corner to throw in another bookcase in order to place them. You're stuck and yet....you crave more.
That's right. You guessed it.
Hi. My name is Mary and I am a hoarder of books.
There, I said it. Whew. I fell so much better!
But seriously, when is enough enough? I tell myself over and over again, "Mary, there are so many books on your shelves that you haven't read...and even if you try to read 4 and 5 at a time, if you keep buying more, there is no way to catch up."
But the buying of said books continues. From classics, to memoirs, to cheesy vampire series' I tend to drift to in the "popular teen" section. (Hey! I said I have a problem. I never said I was proud of it.)
I walk into a bookstore calmly and think to myself, "I'll just browse. I don't need to buy."
But then I see a shiny new cover of an author I collect (never mind that I haven't even read one word of said author...but her covers are preeety and shiny and I find myself addicted to buying the whole series before I even glance at the first page.)
Then there are those authors I am so in love with because I have read everything they have ever written and the moment they release a new book it's like homemade brownies to a pothead.
I. Want. Them. All. (books....and brownies)
Is that really so much to ask?
Maybe I just need a bigger place to where I can put more bookshelves and therefore more books. That would solve my problem right? And then...it wouldn't be a problem anymore.
Ooh. I think I'll go browse on Amazon right now.
You know, just to look.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
You know the one...?
My brother Pat used to work at Best Buy. He would often tell me stories of customers who would come up to him and ask him if he knew where to find a certain song.
Pat: "Who's the artist?"
Customer: "What?"
Pat: "The person who sang the song you're looking for."
Long pause.
Customer: "Oh. Well I thought that was why I am asking for your help?"
Pat: "Well what's the title?"
Customer: "I don't know."
I always got a kick out of these stories and gave an extra two thumbs up to him for putting up with such idiots. My favorite stories were the ones in which the customer would start singing the song he or she was in search of.
Singing very badly.
And off key.
And not with the correct lyrics.
I would have paid money to see this.
I was thinking about these memories today when I heard a familiar song on the radio. It reminded me of when I had first heard it and how I looked over and over again for the name or the artist who sang it. Then I remembered asking Pat.
And singing it to him (not fully knowing the words).
He just looked at me and shook his head.
Me: "What?"
And now I know. He thought I was one of "those" people.
But he's wrong.
I mean, I don't count.
I'm his sister....
Am I right?
Am I?
Pat: "Who's the artist?"
Customer: "What?"
Pat: "The person who sang the song you're looking for."
Long pause.
Customer: "Oh. Well I thought that was why I am asking for your help?"
Pat: "Well what's the title?"
Customer: "I don't know."
I always got a kick out of these stories and gave an extra two thumbs up to him for putting up with such idiots. My favorite stories were the ones in which the customer would start singing the song he or she was in search of.
Singing very badly.
And off key.
And not with the correct lyrics.
I would have paid money to see this.
I was thinking about these memories today when I heard a familiar song on the radio. It reminded me of when I had first heard it and how I looked over and over again for the name or the artist who sang it. Then I remembered asking Pat.
And singing it to him (not fully knowing the words).
He just looked at me and shook his head.
Me: "What?"
And now I know. He thought I was one of "those" people.
But he's wrong.
I mean, I don't count.
I'm his sister....
Am I right?
Am I?
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Leira's first road trip!
This past weekend, Andrew and I decided to take a little road trip up to the mountains. Since it was rather last minute and we didn't want to kennel Leira (because in all reality...she hates to be kenneled and we're suckers and hate to upset her in any way...) there was only one solution: she would have to come with us.
We were somewhat hesitant about this decision because dogs are only allowed in the cabins if you pay $150 fee. (But who wants to pay that and who likes to follow the rules? Come on people! Live dangerously!).
We're such rebels right?
Right. So our other concern was that she had never ridden in the car for longer than an hour. This was a 6 hour commute. To our surprise, this was her reaction to said 6 hour commute:

"Ma! I was sleeping!"
(She was sleeping and she looked so darn cute I had to take a picture...but I woke her up and the picture resulted in this...)
We made it to our destination around 1:30 (ish) in the morning. I went inside to retrieve the key while Andrew stayed in the car with Leira. (We. Are. So. Sneaky.)
We got to the cabin and settled in for the night. Leira (and Andrew and I) were exhausted from the drive so we went to sleep pretty quickly.
The next morning, I woke up somewhat early and took Leira out for a walk. I looked around cautiously to make sure that no employees were sneaking about and walked outside. She was so cute and so excited! She had never seen mountains before and she seemed to be so overcome by everything that was surrounding her.
Andrew got up soon after and we decided to take Leira for an even longer walk (eek! she was so elated!) We found a big field and were disappointed that we had forgotten her favorite tennis ball (though her stuffed squirrel, she never leaves the house without). We found we didn't need a ball. All we had to do was stand a generous distance apart and "pretend" that we were throwing a ball back and forth. (I never said she was a genius...) She found this game to be great fun as she ran back and forth between us. Now tell me, isn't this the happiest little mutt you've ever seen?

"Look guys! I iz faster than the wind!"
We went back to the cabin and ate some breakfast and took a nap. Then we went out again for a short hike in the Great Smokey Mountain National Park. We were walking along the path and came across this sign:

But rebels? We are! So we continued on. And Leira. Loved. It! She was so happy and so alive! Though she didn't really know what to do when she came across the rocks and the river. She gets two thumbs up for trying though:).

"What exactly do i do now guys?"
We made it through checkout the next morning without getting caught!

"I iz sneaky too right mama?!!"
In following the tradition, (my family has been going here for years) we visited the dam and took pictures in all the places we always take pictures and then we traveled home via the parkway. Let me just tell you, the Blue Ridge Parkway in the fall is one of the most beautiful places in the world to me. All of the colors and trees and mountains and fresh air.
I. Love. It!
Here's a glimpse of our experience:)

"Daddy's got belly mama!"

"Can I peez here?"

Our little family (minus the 5 cats:)
All in all I would say that Leira's first road trip to the mountains went very well. I am so proud of our little mutt. She is truly the best dog a girl could ask for.

"I iz so done."
We were somewhat hesitant about this decision because dogs are only allowed in the cabins if you pay $150 fee. (But who wants to pay that and who likes to follow the rules? Come on people! Live dangerously!).
We're such rebels right?
Right. So our other concern was that she had never ridden in the car for longer than an hour. This was a 6 hour commute. To our surprise, this was her reaction to said 6 hour commute:
"Ma! I was sleeping!"
(She was sleeping and she looked so darn cute I had to take a picture...but I woke her up and the picture resulted in this...)
We made it to our destination around 1:30 (ish) in the morning. I went inside to retrieve the key while Andrew stayed in the car with Leira. (We. Are. So. Sneaky.)
We got to the cabin and settled in for the night. Leira (and Andrew and I) were exhausted from the drive so we went to sleep pretty quickly.
The next morning, I woke up somewhat early and took Leira out for a walk. I looked around cautiously to make sure that no employees were sneaking about and walked outside. She was so cute and so excited! She had never seen mountains before and she seemed to be so overcome by everything that was surrounding her.
Andrew got up soon after and we decided to take Leira for an even longer walk (eek! she was so elated!) We found a big field and were disappointed that we had forgotten her favorite tennis ball (though her stuffed squirrel, she never leaves the house without). We found we didn't need a ball. All we had to do was stand a generous distance apart and "pretend" that we were throwing a ball back and forth. (I never said she was a genius...) She found this game to be great fun as she ran back and forth between us. Now tell me, isn't this the happiest little mutt you've ever seen?
"Look guys! I iz faster than the wind!"
We went back to the cabin and ate some breakfast and took a nap. Then we went out again for a short hike in the Great Smokey Mountain National Park. We were walking along the path and came across this sign:
But rebels? We are! So we continued on. And Leira. Loved. It! She was so happy and so alive! Though she didn't really know what to do when she came across the rocks and the river. She gets two thumbs up for trying though:).
"What exactly do i do now guys?"
We made it through checkout the next morning without getting caught!
"I iz sneaky too right mama?!!"
In following the tradition, (my family has been going here for years) we visited the dam and took pictures in all the places we always take pictures and then we traveled home via the parkway. Let me just tell you, the Blue Ridge Parkway in the fall is one of the most beautiful places in the world to me. All of the colors and trees and mountains and fresh air.
I. Love. It!
Here's a glimpse of our experience:)
"Daddy's got belly mama!"
"Can I peez here?"
Our little family (minus the 5 cats:)
All in all I would say that Leira's first road trip to the mountains went very well. I am so proud of our little mutt. She is truly the best dog a girl could ask for.
"I iz so done."
early morning realization
I woke up this morning, as I always do and I had to pee. So I got up, stumbled across the carpet, managing to only trip over one of our 5 cats and barely missing the fan that stands right in front of our bed. In the bathroom, fully unharmed, I followed normal procedure.
Suddenly, I heard something (someone?) slam into the door and a small "click". The door swayed open and in came, not one, not two, but three cats looking at me with hungry eyes and smacking lips. Tuna, Phoebe and Dip did not seem to care that i needed to take care of my bodily functions before partaking in feeding them this morning. It just was. not. acceptable.
But what could I do? I mean really. I had no way of shoving them out the door without peeing all over myself. And there the three of them sat.
Just staring.
And staring.
And staring....
OK. Creeped out by all of the staring and now wishing that I had just held it and fed them all first. But now I have a new deli-ma....I am pee shy. And all I could focus on was the 6 little beady eyes staring at me.
And that was when they decided to belt out a chorus of meows.
I love my pets but seriously? Give a girl some privacy.
I'll only say this once. You've won this battle little ones...but the war is not over.
Next time...
I'm locking the door.
Suddenly, I heard something (someone?) slam into the door and a small "click". The door swayed open and in came, not one, not two, but three cats looking at me with hungry eyes and smacking lips. Tuna, Phoebe and Dip did not seem to care that i needed to take care of my bodily functions before partaking in feeding them this morning. It just was. not. acceptable.
But what could I do? I mean really. I had no way of shoving them out the door without peeing all over myself. And there the three of them sat.
Just staring.
And staring.
And staring....
OK. Creeped out by all of the staring and now wishing that I had just held it and fed them all first. But now I have a new deli-ma....I am pee shy. And all I could focus on was the 6 little beady eyes staring at me.
And that was when they decided to belt out a chorus of meows.
I love my pets but seriously? Give a girl some privacy.
I'll only say this once. You've won this battle little ones...but the war is not over.
Next time...
I'm locking the door.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Cheap Entertainment = still being broke
Here are a few pictures I would like to share. Please enjoy and have a lovely day:).
"I iz hunting rabbits"
"We iz Mirror images"
"If youz leaves, I will peez."
"We iz lovers not fighters."
"I iz model too yes?"
"I iz not drunk daddy!"
"Will youz marry me too mama?"
"I wuz told there would be cake!"
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Nap time + pets = No sleeping...
I got sent home from work today because I wasn't feeling well and my boss didn't want me getting everyone else sick. (Understandably so...however, in all honesty, we've been all passing around the same virus for about a month now...but that's beside the point.)
I had scheduled a doctor's appointment for 3:30 and it was only noon by the time I got home. I found this to be the perfect opportunity to take a nap.
Let me just say, 3 out of our 6 pets had something else in mind.
I grabbed one of my favorite fleece blankets and fluffed my pillow just right. I snuggled down into the covers, laid my head down and breathed a sigh of pure comfort. (Other than the fact that I was coughing consistently and my nose kept running so I had to keep switching sides.)
Leira curled up on one side of me and Bianca took her position on the other side. We were all nice and comfy when Leira decided to take it upon herself and act like she was having a seizure.
She isn't epileptic.
And I still don't know what the hell she was doing. She would be lying completely still and then suddenly start rolling on her back and trying to catch her tail. (She isn't right. Bless her.)Then she would do her favorite of all favorite things when she's trying to get someone's undivided attention. She slammed her paw down on my face.
Until I finally opened my eyes after trying to initially ignore her, and told her to cut it out.
Once she finally settled in, I got my self comfortable again only to start having a severe coughing attack. This, of course got Lorelai's attention as she came out of no where. She was suddenly on the bed chirping her concerned meow and head butting my forehead to make sure I was OK.
I found this to be very sweet and had to smile. But then she froze. It seems at that moment, she came to realize that Bianca was on the bed curled up with me as well. (They are still trying to work things out...)
So there I was. Lying in between 2 cats that were staring non-blinking at each other. All I could think of was that my face was in the direct fire zone. I didn't dare move. I didn't dare breathe. (This didn't really take much effort considering my already stuffy nose.) I just prayed that somehow I would not be involved in the attack that was sure to pursue.
It was like standing in the middle of a western show down.
I. Was. Scared. Shitless.
Growls were coming from both ends. Neither would close their eyes fully due to their distrust for one another and not wanting to put their guards down.
What seemed like hours later, they finally decided the situation was OK. (Apparently my being in between them was enough distance for them to be civil. Let me just say that my face was so very grateful. So very grateful indeed.)
Ah. Now I can rest I thought to myself.
And it was about this time that Leira decided to have another spastic fit. When I opened my eyes this time, i found my cute, sweet mutt sitting there looking like Santa Claus.
How's that? You ask.
Well I'll tell you.
She had managed to find a white fur ball on the floor and thought it would be a good idea to chew on it. It was hanging from her chin just right.
I wrestled it out of her mouth and being too exhausted to throw it away, I stuffed it under my pillow. (I know. I know. I'm totally gross.)
It took another several minutes for everyone to settle down once again, but finally my head was resting on my super soft pillow and I was beginning to fall into a deep sleep.
And then...
My stupid phone rang.
Are you kidding me?
Of course this sent everyone running, pouncing all over me in my confused state of trying to locate where the horrid noise was coming from.
Once off the phone, they were all sitting there looking at me oh so innocently.
I couldn't be mad. They were all just too darn cute.
But next time I decide to take a nap during the middle of the day...they're all getting locked out!
I had scheduled a doctor's appointment for 3:30 and it was only noon by the time I got home. I found this to be the perfect opportunity to take a nap.
Let me just say, 3 out of our 6 pets had something else in mind.
I grabbed one of my favorite fleece blankets and fluffed my pillow just right. I snuggled down into the covers, laid my head down and breathed a sigh of pure comfort. (Other than the fact that I was coughing consistently and my nose kept running so I had to keep switching sides.)
Leira curled up on one side of me and Bianca took her position on the other side. We were all nice and comfy when Leira decided to take it upon herself and act like she was having a seizure.
She isn't epileptic.
And I still don't know what the hell she was doing. She would be lying completely still and then suddenly start rolling on her back and trying to catch her tail. (She isn't right. Bless her.)Then she would do her favorite of all favorite things when she's trying to get someone's undivided attention. She slammed her paw down on my face.
Until I finally opened my eyes after trying to initially ignore her, and told her to cut it out.
Once she finally settled in, I got my self comfortable again only to start having a severe coughing attack. This, of course got Lorelai's attention as she came out of no where. She was suddenly on the bed chirping her concerned meow and head butting my forehead to make sure I was OK.
I found this to be very sweet and had to smile. But then she froze. It seems at that moment, she came to realize that Bianca was on the bed curled up with me as well. (They are still trying to work things out...)
So there I was. Lying in between 2 cats that were staring non-blinking at each other. All I could think of was that my face was in the direct fire zone. I didn't dare move. I didn't dare breathe. (This didn't really take much effort considering my already stuffy nose.) I just prayed that somehow I would not be involved in the attack that was sure to pursue.
It was like standing in the middle of a western show down.
I. Was. Scared. Shitless.
Growls were coming from both ends. Neither would close their eyes fully due to their distrust for one another and not wanting to put their guards down.
What seemed like hours later, they finally decided the situation was OK. (Apparently my being in between them was enough distance for them to be civil. Let me just say that my face was so very grateful. So very grateful indeed.)
Ah. Now I can rest I thought to myself.
And it was about this time that Leira decided to have another spastic fit. When I opened my eyes this time, i found my cute, sweet mutt sitting there looking like Santa Claus.
How's that? You ask.
Well I'll tell you.
She had managed to find a white fur ball on the floor and thought it would be a good idea to chew on it. It was hanging from her chin just right.
I wrestled it out of her mouth and being too exhausted to throw it away, I stuffed it under my pillow. (I know. I know. I'm totally gross.)
It took another several minutes for everyone to settle down once again, but finally my head was resting on my super soft pillow and I was beginning to fall into a deep sleep.
And then...
My stupid phone rang.
Are you kidding me?
Of course this sent everyone running, pouncing all over me in my confused state of trying to locate where the horrid noise was coming from.
Once off the phone, they were all sitting there looking at me oh so innocently.
I couldn't be mad. They were all just too darn cute.
But next time I decide to take a nap during the middle of the day...they're all getting locked out!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
What Do You Hear In These Sounds?
Lately I've felt a bit off kilter. I can't really explain it but it's like I'm in a room and yet, I'm not. I find myself stuck in the middle of conversations that I have no idea what they're about. I find it hard to focus on the world going on around me and yet I also feel envious of people though I truly know nothing of their lives. I live vicariously through other peoples adventures and pictures that I view on facebook. I feel like everyone is going somewhere but me. I feel stagnant.
For some reason, I view this as a bad thing, when I know deep down it is not. Being stable is something we all strive for, both mentally and physically. I have reached this goal and still, i am lacking.
It is not that I'm ungrateful. I truly have no right to complain or argue this point. I have a loving family. I am engaged to the most wonderful man in this world. I have a beautiful home and a steady job. I have six crazy pets with the best personalities any pet owner could ask for.
So what's missing?
Sometimes i feel empty; almost zombie-like. I run through the motions of every day life with each day that greets me. I get up, take a shower, walk the dog, check my email, get ready for work, go to work, come home, fix dinner, watch t.v and go to bed. "Routine" is an understatement in the world I have let myself become a part of.
Routine is not something I want to welcome.
I lack the motivation to reach out for those long lost dreams that i have always dreamed. Small things like taking dancing lessons or a yoga class. Joining the roller derby. Marching in a protest. Going on a music festival tour. Traveling to India.
The dream I am most challenged by is that of becoming a writer. I don't wish for the fame or fortune. The only wish I hold is to be recognized and heard. It's not that I feel my thoughts, random as they may be, are worth such recognition. It's only that this has been my biggest dream for as long as I can remember. And all I am doing is continuing to put it off day by day. Through making my life so routine and not making the time to really commit.
My mind voices excuse after excuse. I'm too tired. I have no inspiration. It's been a long day. I have no time.
The only excuse my mind seems to avoid is that I'm scared.
Writing is the one inanimate thing in life I do not want to risk failing. I have held onto it for too long. If I failed....I'm not sure where I could go from there.
But the only way to risk probable failure is to try. And the only way to succeed is to try. No one ever said it would be easy.
I just need to get off my lazy ass and do it.....
For some reason, I view this as a bad thing, when I know deep down it is not. Being stable is something we all strive for, both mentally and physically. I have reached this goal and still, i am lacking.
It is not that I'm ungrateful. I truly have no right to complain or argue this point. I have a loving family. I am engaged to the most wonderful man in this world. I have a beautiful home and a steady job. I have six crazy pets with the best personalities any pet owner could ask for.
So what's missing?
Sometimes i feel empty; almost zombie-like. I run through the motions of every day life with each day that greets me. I get up, take a shower, walk the dog, check my email, get ready for work, go to work, come home, fix dinner, watch t.v and go to bed. "Routine" is an understatement in the world I have let myself become a part of.
Routine is not something I want to welcome.
I lack the motivation to reach out for those long lost dreams that i have always dreamed. Small things like taking dancing lessons or a yoga class. Joining the roller derby. Marching in a protest. Going on a music festival tour. Traveling to India.
The dream I am most challenged by is that of becoming a writer. I don't wish for the fame or fortune. The only wish I hold is to be recognized and heard. It's not that I feel my thoughts, random as they may be, are worth such recognition. It's only that this has been my biggest dream for as long as I can remember. And all I am doing is continuing to put it off day by day. Through making my life so routine and not making the time to really commit.
My mind voices excuse after excuse. I'm too tired. I have no inspiration. It's been a long day. I have no time.
The only excuse my mind seems to avoid is that I'm scared.
Writing is the one inanimate thing in life I do not want to risk failing. I have held onto it for too long. If I failed....I'm not sure where I could go from there.
But the only way to risk probable failure is to try. And the only way to succeed is to try. No one ever said it would be easy.
I just need to get off my lazy ass and do it.....
Thursday, October 1, 2009
You say goodbye and I say...hey! Where did you go?
So I was waving goodbye to Andrew a couple of mornings ago;(Something that we do every morning, while Lorelai, Leira and Dip usually watch whoever is leaving first drive away to start their day.)
On this particular morning, Tuna was hanging out close by. I turned to wave at Andrew as he drove away...
And I hear this big BANG!
I looked all around me to try and figure out the source from which it came and saw....
Then, I looked up....
And this is what I discovered:

This would be Tuna....
on top of the door frame to our front door....
On this particular morning, Tuna was hanging out close by. I turned to wave at Andrew as he drove away...
And I hear this big BANG!
I looked all around me to try and figure out the source from which it came and saw....
Then, I looked up....
And this is what I discovered:
This would be Tuna....
on top of the door frame to our front door....
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
This is your last warning:
Dear Lorelai, Tuna, Phoebe, Leira, Dip and Bianca,
I am writing (again) to remind you (again) that Andrew and I are not your slaves. You do not own this little townhouse we live in and what you demand of us is not always going to happen (even though we are suckers and usually give in).
So here is a list of things that we would like for you to work on:
1) Lorelai: I love that you have taken the position of sleeping on my head every night, but if you could please refrain from licking, biting and screaming in my ear once it's time for you to get up...that would be great. (Also...even if it's time for you to get up, this does not mean it is time for me to get up).
2) Tuna: I am so very happy that you have sucked up your pride and have begun to sleep beside me again, but if you could just keep these couple of things in mind, that would be fabulous:
-Stop licking and chewing on the bedspread. Nothing is worse than waking up to that crunchy noise of a cat's tongue on fabric and then sticking your hand in a pile of cat drool.
-Stop trying to tear things down off of the bulletin board. They are there for a reason and I would like them to stay that way.
3) Phoebe: We will not now or ever have cake to give you...so stop asking for it:).
4) Leira: It is so super sweet that you love to sleep right in between us every night. But enough is enough. When we ask you to get off the bed, we mean for you to stay off the bed. (Not to sneak back onto it when we are finally back asleep and unconscious only to wake up with your butt in our faces again.)
5) Dip and Bianca: I just have one question to ask you; You are so quiet for most of the day, where the hell did you pick up the vocal chords to scream/meow/squeak at the top of your lungs when you think it's time to eat? And then you act so sweet and innocent and loving the rest of the time. I ask you, either drop your other personality or seek help and get medication.
Thank you for your time. Much love to you all.
Mary and Andrew
I am writing (again) to remind you (again) that Andrew and I are not your slaves. You do not own this little townhouse we live in and what you demand of us is not always going to happen (even though we are suckers and usually give in).
So here is a list of things that we would like for you to work on:
1) Lorelai: I love that you have taken the position of sleeping on my head every night, but if you could please refrain from licking, biting and screaming in my ear once it's time for you to get up...that would be great. (Also...even if it's time for you to get up, this does not mean it is time for me to get up).
2) Tuna: I am so very happy that you have sucked up your pride and have begun to sleep beside me again, but if you could just keep these couple of things in mind, that would be fabulous:
-Stop licking and chewing on the bedspread. Nothing is worse than waking up to that crunchy noise of a cat's tongue on fabric and then sticking your hand in a pile of cat drool.
-Stop trying to tear things down off of the bulletin board. They are there for a reason and I would like them to stay that way.
3) Phoebe: We will not now or ever have cake to give you...so stop asking for it:).
4) Leira: It is so super sweet that you love to sleep right in between us every night. But enough is enough. When we ask you to get off the bed, we mean for you to stay off the bed. (Not to sneak back onto it when we are finally back asleep and unconscious only to wake up with your butt in our faces again.)
5) Dip and Bianca: I just have one question to ask you; You are so quiet for most of the day, where the hell did you pick up the vocal chords to scream/meow/squeak at the top of your lungs when you think it's time to eat? And then you act so sweet and innocent and loving the rest of the time. I ask you, either drop your other personality or seek help and get medication.
Thank you for your time. Much love to you all.
Mary and Andrew
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Breaking News!
I was just surfing the net, looking for some sweet movie quotes to somehow add to our wedding ceremony and suddenly saw at the bottom of the screen "Breaking News!"
I thought to myself, "wow, I wonder what's happened now."
And sadly, my curiosity got the better of me and I clicked the link that was quietly taunting me as I tried to ignore it gleaming in my peripheral vision.
And this is what I read:
"Breaking News! Britney Spears reveals to Leno how she lost 26 pounds!"
Really? I interrupted my wedding planning to find out this tidbit of information?
I. Am. So. Ashamed.
I thought to myself, "wow, I wonder what's happened now."
And sadly, my curiosity got the better of me and I clicked the link that was quietly taunting me as I tried to ignore it gleaming in my peripheral vision.
And this is what I read:
"Breaking News! Britney Spears reveals to Leno how she lost 26 pounds!"
Really? I interrupted my wedding planning to find out this tidbit of information?
I. Am. So. Ashamed.
Monday, September 21, 2009
I apparently don't cope very well with stress.
OK. That's kind of an understatement.
For example, all it takes is a stupid fax not to go through and a huge headache to set me off into a fit of mental issue tears.
OK. Not really. it actually takes a lot more than that but once it starts to build up (which is completely and utterly my fault), it just takes one small thing to throw me over the edge. And the poor fax machine and the person standing beside me when it wouldn't work got the brunt of my somewhat psychopath tendencies. (I really don't have these....or do I?...insert evil laugh here)
I started yelling and didn't even know where the voice coming out of my vocal cords was coming from. Then I looked at my co-worker who asked me if I was OK and I said "yes."
She proceeded to call me a liar and I proceeded to break into a fit of tears like an idiot. (OK Where did that come from?!?!)
Sometimes i don't even know that there is anything wrong because I am so focused on everyone and everything else that is going on around me. I don't even stop to ask myself, "Hey! how ya doin'?"
I wasn't doing as well today as I thought I was (obviously) but nothing a good cry and a good talk with an excellent friend couldn't cure.
It's moments like these (embarrassing as they may be) that I realize I am not alone in this cruel, unfair world and that i have so many people who care about me. I mean truly care. Not because they have to but because they just do. (Without me even asking them to. How awesome is that?!?!)
It's just nice to be reminded of that on occasion.
But it's nice to have some alone time to myself too (if that of course includes having 5 kitties and a dog close by to keep me company:). And I think I'm going to go partake in some Tylenol, a nice pair of comfy jammies (that are far from matching) and a good book.
Good night world. Tomorrow i shall awake with a new challenge awaiting me I'm sure, but with the new-found knowledge that it won't be awaiting me alone.
OK. That's kind of an understatement.
For example, all it takes is a stupid fax not to go through and a huge headache to set me off into a fit of mental issue tears.
OK. Not really. it actually takes a lot more than that but once it starts to build up (which is completely and utterly my fault), it just takes one small thing to throw me over the edge. And the poor fax machine and the person standing beside me when it wouldn't work got the brunt of my somewhat psychopath tendencies. (I really don't have these....or do I?...insert evil laugh here)
I started yelling and didn't even know where the voice coming out of my vocal cords was coming from. Then I looked at my co-worker who asked me if I was OK and I said "yes."
She proceeded to call me a liar and I proceeded to break into a fit of tears like an idiot. (OK Where did that come from?!?!)
Sometimes i don't even know that there is anything wrong because I am so focused on everyone and everything else that is going on around me. I don't even stop to ask myself, "Hey! how ya doin'?"
I wasn't doing as well today as I thought I was (obviously) but nothing a good cry and a good talk with an excellent friend couldn't cure.
It's moments like these (embarrassing as they may be) that I realize I am not alone in this cruel, unfair world and that i have so many people who care about me. I mean truly care. Not because they have to but because they just do. (Without me even asking them to. How awesome is that?!?!)
It's just nice to be reminded of that on occasion.
But it's nice to have some alone time to myself too (if that of course includes having 5 kitties and a dog close by to keep me company:). And I think I'm going to go partake in some Tylenol, a nice pair of comfy jammies (that are far from matching) and a good book.
Good night world. Tomorrow i shall awake with a new challenge awaiting me I'm sure, but with the new-found knowledge that it won't be awaiting me alone.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
My parent's are so rock and roll
So I got off from work yesterday and was checking my voice mails while driving home. I noted that my Mom had left one and as always, I slightly panicked hoping that everything was OK. While I was awaiting the automated voice to shut-up and play my mom's message, I suddenly heard this voice of pure excitement on the other end of the phone. It sounded something like this:
"Oh my God. Jackson Brown. Coming in November! Dad and I got tickets! (gleeful laughter followed). Call me back. Oh my God! Jackson Brown!!!"
I was sitting there listening, thinking to myself "Who was that?!? when I realized it was my Mom. She sounded like a little teenager going to see her favorite band. It. Was. Too. Cute.
So obviously, I called her right back, She answered:
Mom: "Hello" (giggle giggle)
Me:"Hey! How are you?"
Mom:"Good." (Jeez I could feel her smiling through the phone.)
Me:"Are you excited?"
Mom: (lots of giggling and spastic, random sentences) "Oh my God. Eek! So excited! It's Jackson Brown! 4th row tickets! Oh my God! Jackson Brown! Eeek!"
Me: "I don't think you're excited."
Mom: (laughing like I just told the best joke in the entire world). "Yeah. Dad and I went and stood in line for tickets this morning. "(How cute is that?)
Me: "From what I can tell, it sounds like you're seats are really close. Are you going to be able to handle it?"
Mom: "Hmm hmm." (shriek of giggles)
Me: "Are you sure? Because he's pretty hot."
Mom: "I know! And it's just going to be him and his acoustic guitar! (Just let me say here how completely jealous I am.)
Me: "Wow. Dad might have to pack along your breathing machine just in case." (She has sleep apnea)
Mom: (fit of giggles...I haven't heard her this excited since I told her Andrew and I are engaged. In fact...this might take the cake over that!)
We continued to talk about each others weeks and the pets and wedding stuff, blah blah blah and then we hung up the phone.
As I was walking into my house, I couldn't help thinking to myself, wow, my parents are pretty cool. They are 6o years old and going to a concert in Asheville. I can't think of very many older couples who would take the effort and time out to do this. But my parents have always been this way. Music has always been such a huge factor in their lives and they passed it on to me and my brother Pat. I can't tell you how very grateful I am to have been exposed to such artists as Bob Dylan, Pete Segar, Elvis, The Beatles, Peter, Paul and Mary, Joan Baez (the list goes on and on) at such a young age. It's so very awesome to know how cool my parents really are. And it's small moments like these that remind me, you're only as old as you think you are.
You're so Rock and Roll mom and dad! I hope you guys have a blast!
"Oh my God. Jackson Brown. Coming in November! Dad and I got tickets! (gleeful laughter followed). Call me back. Oh my God! Jackson Brown!!!"
I was sitting there listening, thinking to myself "Who was that?!? when I realized it was my Mom. She sounded like a little teenager going to see her favorite band. It. Was. Too. Cute.
So obviously, I called her right back, She answered:
Mom: "Hello" (giggle giggle)
Me:"Hey! How are you?"
Mom:"Good." (Jeez I could feel her smiling through the phone.)
Me:"Are you excited?"
Mom: (lots of giggling and spastic, random sentences) "Oh my God. Eek! So excited! It's Jackson Brown! 4th row tickets! Oh my God! Jackson Brown! Eeek!"
Me: "I don't think you're excited."
Mom: (laughing like I just told the best joke in the entire world). "Yeah. Dad and I went and stood in line for tickets this morning. "(How cute is that?)
Me: "From what I can tell, it sounds like you're seats are really close. Are you going to be able to handle it?"
Mom: "Hmm hmm." (shriek of giggles)
Me: "Are you sure? Because he's pretty hot."
Mom: "I know! And it's just going to be him and his acoustic guitar! (Just let me say here how completely jealous I am.)
Me: "Wow. Dad might have to pack along your breathing machine just in case." (She has sleep apnea)
Mom: (fit of giggles...I haven't heard her this excited since I told her Andrew and I are engaged. In fact...this might take the cake over that!)
We continued to talk about each others weeks and the pets and wedding stuff, blah blah blah and then we hung up the phone.
As I was walking into my house, I couldn't help thinking to myself, wow, my parents are pretty cool. They are 6o years old and going to a concert in Asheville. I can't think of very many older couples who would take the effort and time out to do this. But my parents have always been this way. Music has always been such a huge factor in their lives and they passed it on to me and my brother Pat. I can't tell you how very grateful I am to have been exposed to such artists as Bob Dylan, Pete Segar, Elvis, The Beatles, Peter, Paul and Mary, Joan Baez (the list goes on and on) at such a young age. It's so very awesome to know how cool my parents really are. And it's small moments like these that remind me, you're only as old as you think you are.
You're so Rock and Roll mom and dad! I hope you guys have a blast!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Leira's new admirer
Our dog Leira is a very good sport about being the only dog in a house full of five cats. (Granted, they do seem to have an arrangement with each other to distract me while the baby gate between the litter boxes and the rest of the house is down. It is during these moments that Leira manages to sneak in and have herself a quick "protein bar"....if you catch my drift.)
Leira loves all of her furry friends but I have noticed that she's not so sure about the newest additions to our family (Dip and Bianca...the two white, alien-like cats that have taken over the joint.) She eyes them warily as they stalk through the house like each others shadow.
And the first time Dip tried to lie down beside her (granted he did just plop down practically on top of her) she jumped so high, I thought she was going to hit the ceiling fan. It was kind of sad...though I have to admit it did make me laugh that something 1/4 of her size could scare her so badly.
But she's working it out. She can now sit in the same room with them at least. And I'm so proud of my brave little mutt for facing her fears. Here is an example of how far she has come:

Dip and the Leira Dog having a bonding moment. We. Are. So. Proud! (notice how she's sitting very still...)
(Even though Leira jumped up and ran out of the room right after this picture was taken. It's progress though. Baby steps. Baby steps.)
Leira loves all of her furry friends but I have noticed that she's not so sure about the newest additions to our family (Dip and Bianca...the two white, alien-like cats that have taken over the joint.) She eyes them warily as they stalk through the house like each others shadow.
And the first time Dip tried to lie down beside her (granted he did just plop down practically on top of her) she jumped so high, I thought she was going to hit the ceiling fan. It was kind of sad...though I have to admit it did make me laugh that something 1/4 of her size could scare her so badly.
But she's working it out. She can now sit in the same room with them at least. And I'm so proud of my brave little mutt for facing her fears. Here is an example of how far she has come:
Dip and the Leira Dog having a bonding moment. We. Are. So. Proud! (notice how she's sitting very still...)
(Even though Leira jumped up and ran out of the room right after this picture was taken. It's progress though. Baby steps. Baby steps.)
Fall decorating
I love love love the holidays! Once October finally hits and stores start putting out all of the Halloween and Christmas decorations (it's so sad how Thanksgiving gets jilted...) I get so super excited like I'm 5 years old all over again. I've always adored decorating. (I was that kid who decorated her room with paper Halloween pictures taped to the window and a set up on my dresser with the spider web stuff you can buy. I. Was. So. Cool.)
But I haven't been able to get fall decorations since then...perhaps it has to do with the fact that my mom would buy me the decorations when I was younger and I have yet to have been able to afford to buy my own since I became an adult. I'm sure she would buy me some now if I were to ask her...but I have pride people. I. Have. Pride.
But guess what guess what!?!? I bought my very first fall decoration the other day at Michaels. Hee! It's one of those cute scarecrows that you can put in your yard to greet cars as they drive by and guests as they walk into your home. I imagine that people drive by and see my little scarecrow and think to themselves "now isn't that sweet. Look at that family getting into the spirit of things. I love her! (him?...I'm not sure but I did name it Bridgett.)
I have been eying these scarecrows with their cute farmhand clothes and little bow ties and hats for nearly 3 years (I know...sad right?) and now I have one. And she is standing at the very front of our cute townhouse awaiting our next visitor. And I have to be honest....
She kind of scares me.
Every time I look out the front windows, I jump back because I see her non-moving frame standing there like she's ready to attack. Then I have to remind myself that she is not the little girl from "The Ring" planning to throw me down a well, she's my cute scarecrow named Bridget and everyone loves her and smiles when they drive by.
This is not a face I should be concerned with....even if she were real...and looked like that...like she wants to eat my soul...

Hmmm...I might have to retire her after this year....
But I haven't been able to get fall decorations since then...perhaps it has to do with the fact that my mom would buy me the decorations when I was younger and I have yet to have been able to afford to buy my own since I became an adult. I'm sure she would buy me some now if I were to ask her...but I have pride people. I. Have. Pride.
But guess what guess what!?!? I bought my very first fall decoration the other day at Michaels. Hee! It's one of those cute scarecrows that you can put in your yard to greet cars as they drive by and guests as they walk into your home. I imagine that people drive by and see my little scarecrow and think to themselves "now isn't that sweet. Look at that family getting into the spirit of things. I love her! (him?...I'm not sure but I did name it Bridgett.)
I have been eying these scarecrows with their cute farmhand clothes and little bow ties and hats for nearly 3 years (I know...sad right?) and now I have one. And she is standing at the very front of our cute townhouse awaiting our next visitor. And I have to be honest....
She kind of scares me.
Every time I look out the front windows, I jump back because I see her non-moving frame standing there like she's ready to attack. Then I have to remind myself that she is not the little girl from "The Ring" planning to throw me down a well, she's my cute scarecrow named Bridget and everyone loves her and smiles when they drive by.
This is not a face I should be concerned with....even if she were real...and looked like that...like she wants to eat my soul...
Hmmm...I might have to retire her after this year....
Thursday, September 17, 2009
To Do List (9/17/09)
This is a list of things I should be doing today and yet, I find myself still sitting at the computer...funny how things work out right? Oh well, at least I'm writing, which I'm trying to do a little everyday. So that' s something, right?!?!
*Laundry (It's practically done...most of the clothes are clean. They've just been sitting in the hamper for almost a week....)
*Vacuuming (But I have to go to target first to get the good smelling carpet stuff so it smells nice and clean instead of like you just vacuumed....)
*Which brings me to Target
List: Rug for downstairs hallway to cover the pee-stains on the carpet (Leira kind of had a regressing period with potty training for awhile....speaking of which, she's barking at me to go out...)
*Walk the dog (OK. One thing done and checked off my list!....You didn't even know I was gone did you? I am very very sneaky...)
Target List Cont.: Bathroom cleaner
Cute pink planner for wedding details
Halloween costumes for pets(hee hee:)
Nice smelling rug stuff
* Clean bathrooms (Though I do need to go to Target first to get bathroom cleaner...see above)
* Wipe down kitchen counters
*Clean litter-boxes and sweep kitty bathroom (Yes. With 5 cats, we just GAVE them their own bathroom)
*Go through wedding stuff to see what's left to be done (Need cute pink planner...see above...and possibly wine to have on hand so that I don't start ripping my hair out from the stress?)
*Catch up on correspondence (I.E. Email Cousin Brandon to let him know can't come to housewarming party because have to work and am on call this weekend...total bummer:( ; write officiant for wedding to let know we won't be using her florist or caterer; call bridal shops to schedule appointments for trying on (or rather Jenn trying on:) bridesmaids dresses; call/email caterers and florists with questions....)
*Go to pharmacy to pick up medication and ask why co-pay went up $15 more. (What's up with that?!?!)
*Clean out car (But I'll be honest...this particular duty has been on my to-do list for the past several months. But I had 2 peoples travel in my car unexpectedly last night and was so completely embarrassed by the shape it was in that I made myself promise to clean it out today...or maybe this weekend...perhaps next Thursday when I'm off?)
*Dust, spray windows. (I think we have some pledge and windex around here somewhere...perhaps should add to list for Target.)
Target List cont. cont.: Windex
Pledge (The kind that smells like lemon...wait, do they all smell like lemon? Hmm.....something to ponder...)
OK. Well....looks like I'm going to Target and getting started with my day! Oh wait...but it's raining and I do need to take a shower....perhaps I'll read some of my book too.....I have the whole day ahead of me! Wow! Is it really almost 11?......
*Laundry (It's practically done...most of the clothes are clean. They've just been sitting in the hamper for almost a week....)
*Vacuuming (But I have to go to target first to get the good smelling carpet stuff so it smells nice and clean instead of like you just vacuumed....)
*Which brings me to Target
List: Rug for downstairs hallway to cover the pee-stains on the carpet (Leira kind of had a regressing period with potty training for awhile....speaking of which, she's barking at me to go out...)
*Walk the dog (OK. One thing done and checked off my list!....You didn't even know I was gone did you? I am very very sneaky...)
Target List Cont.: Bathroom cleaner
Cute pink planner for wedding details
Halloween costumes for pets(hee hee:)
Nice smelling rug stuff
* Clean bathrooms (Though I do need to go to Target first to get bathroom cleaner...see above)
* Wipe down kitchen counters
*Clean litter-boxes and sweep kitty bathroom (Yes. With 5 cats, we just GAVE them their own bathroom)
*Go through wedding stuff to see what's left to be done (Need cute pink planner...see above...and possibly wine to have on hand so that I don't start ripping my hair out from the stress?)
*Catch up on correspondence (I.E. Email Cousin Brandon to let him know can't come to housewarming party because have to work and am on call this weekend...total bummer:( ; write officiant for wedding to let know we won't be using her florist or caterer; call bridal shops to schedule appointments for trying on (or rather Jenn trying on:) bridesmaids dresses; call/email caterers and florists with questions....)
*Go to pharmacy to pick up medication and ask why co-pay went up $15 more. (What's up with that?!?!)
*Clean out car (But I'll be honest...this particular duty has been on my to-do list for the past several months. But I had 2 peoples travel in my car unexpectedly last night and was so completely embarrassed by the shape it was in that I made myself promise to clean it out today...or maybe this weekend...perhaps next Thursday when I'm off?)
*Dust, spray windows. (I think we have some pledge and windex around here somewhere...perhaps should add to list for Target.)
Target List cont. cont.: Windex
Pledge (The kind that smells like lemon...wait, do they all smell like lemon? Hmm.....something to ponder...)
OK. Well....looks like I'm going to Target and getting started with my day! Oh wait...but it's raining and I do need to take a shower....perhaps I'll read some of my book too.....I have the whole day ahead of me! Wow! Is it really almost 11?......
Top 10 Break-up songs:
Here are my top 10 break-up songs. I don't usually tend to use other artists words/lyrics in my own writing, but each one of these songs has proved significance at some time during my life so I thought I would share. I will say though that I am so truly grateful that I have moved on and now am able to hear these songs in a completely different way. No more tears to cry and no more darkness to blind, but I still love this music so dearly and it will always hold a very special place in my heart.
10) Gravel- Ani Difranco
"and maybe you can keep me
from ever being happy
but you're not going to stop me
from having fun
So let's go, before I change my mind
I'll leave the luggage of all your lies behind (One of the best.lyrics.ever!)
cuz I am bigger than everything that came before
you were never very kind
and you let me way down every time
but oh, what can I say, I adore you "
9) I Will Survive- Gloria Gaynor
"It took all the strength I had
not to fall apart
kept trying hard to mend
the pieces of my broken heart
and I spent oh so many nights
just feeling sorry for myself
I used to cry
Now I hold my head up high
and you see me
somebody new
I'm not that chained up little person
still in love with you
and so you felt like dropping in
and just expect me to be free
now I'm saving all my loving
for someone who's loving me "
8) Somebody More Like You- Nickle Creek
"I hope you finally find someone
Someone that you trust
And give him everything
I hope you meet someone your height
So you can see eye-to-eye
With someone as small as you"
(Shot Down! SO there!!)
7) Do You Sleep- Lisa Loeb
"you kick my foot under the table,
i kick you back;
i can't say i'm able to
stand for you or
fall for you ever again.
wish for a perfect setting?
wishing that i am letting you
take me where you want me (Forget it buddy.)
all over again?
you can't give yourself absolutely to someone else."
i don't know, and i don't care
if i ever will see you again.
i don't know, and i don't care
if i ever will be there." (Been there. Done that. Not turning back ever again.)
6) Monkeywrench- Foo Fighters
"One last thing before I quit
I never wanted any more than I could fit
Into my head I still remember every single word
You said and all the shit that somehow came along with it
Still there's one thing that comforts me since I was
Always caged and now I'm free"
(For those of you who know me well, you know that every time I hear this song I turn it up as loud as the stereo will go and scream at the top of my lungs...especially during this part. My favorite!)
5) Landed- Ben Folds
"Till I opened my eyes and walked out the door
And the clouds came tumbling down
And it's bye-bye, goodbye, I tried
And I twisted it wrong just to make it right (So true. So true.)
Had to leave myself behind
I've been flying high all night
So come pick me up...I've landed
If you wrote me off I'd understand it
Because I've been on some other planet
So come pick me up... (And you were all waiting to pick me up...when I probably didn't deserve it at the time...thank you...)
I've landed" (And my feet are firm on the ground!)
4) Positively 4th Street- Bob Dylan
"I wish that for just one time
You could stand inside my shoes
And just for that one moment
I could be you
Yes, I wish that for just one time
You could stand inside my shoes
You'd know what a drag it is
To see you" (Ahem...)
(As my mom would say, "This is the greatest put down song ever!" And I have to say I agree:)Love me some Dylan!)
3) Springstreet- Dar Williams
"This year April had a blizzard
Just to show she did not care
And the new dead leaves
They made the trees look like children with gray hair
But I'll push myself up through the dirt
And shake my petals free
I'm resolved to being born
And so resigned to bravery"
(I love love love any analogy that involves a tree. Dar Williams, you are the love of my life...except for Andrew of course:)
2) If It Weren't For You- Stacey Earle
"Oh where would I be if it weren't for you
I guess I'd have nothing so how could I lose
So from you I'll take nothing, no nothing at all
With nothing to stop me, it's right down the hall
I'll reach for the knob then I'll
walk through the door (And it was the best thing I ever did in my life.)
And I will feel nothing for you anymore
And if you see someone that you never knew
That's where I'd be if it weren't for you" (So I guess I do have something to thank you for....dumb-ass)
1) Taught Me Well- Alice Peacock
"You hate to be ignored
Or maybe you're just bored
So I opened up my mail and there's a note from you
You say you're checkin' in
To see how I have been
Hey I'm doing so much better if you'd like to know the truth
You taught me well
You were my teacher and I thank you
For the hell you put me through I'm very grateful
Cuz ' I finally really learned what was important
In my life
And I thank my lucky stars everyday I'm not your wife
You're selfishly absorbed
You're childish and a bore
And I used to hold the anger in my stomach like a fist
But in time it was quite clear
That only I was suffering here
And having gratitude for you was the way out of this
You taught me well...that life is for living
It's not about taking, it's all about giving
You taught me well that sometimes what we
Want is staring us right in the face
And the power of forgiveness, the power of
Grace...of Grace"
(So I posted this whole song because it was like Ms. Peacock wrote it specifically for me. This song served as my theme for quite some time. And I will never forget the meaning it holds for me...)
10) Gravel- Ani Difranco
"and maybe you can keep me
from ever being happy
but you're not going to stop me
from having fun
So let's go, before I change my mind
I'll leave the luggage of all your lies behind (One of the best.lyrics.ever!)
cuz I am bigger than everything that came before
you were never very kind
and you let me way down every time
but oh, what can I say, I adore you "
9) I Will Survive- Gloria Gaynor
"It took all the strength I had
not to fall apart
kept trying hard to mend
the pieces of my broken heart
and I spent oh so many nights
just feeling sorry for myself
I used to cry
Now I hold my head up high
and you see me
somebody new
I'm not that chained up little person
still in love with you
and so you felt like dropping in
and just expect me to be free
now I'm saving all my loving
for someone who's loving me "
8) Somebody More Like You- Nickle Creek
"I hope you finally find someone
Someone that you trust
And give him everything
I hope you meet someone your height
So you can see eye-to-eye
With someone as small as you"
(Shot Down! SO there!!)
7) Do You Sleep- Lisa Loeb
"you kick my foot under the table,
i kick you back;
i can't say i'm able to
stand for you or
fall for you ever again.
wish for a perfect setting?
wishing that i am letting you
take me where you want me (Forget it buddy.)
all over again?
you can't give yourself absolutely to someone else."
i don't know, and i don't care
if i ever will see you again.
i don't know, and i don't care
if i ever will be there." (Been there. Done that. Not turning back ever again.)
6) Monkeywrench- Foo Fighters
"One last thing before I quit
I never wanted any more than I could fit
Into my head I still remember every single word
You said and all the shit that somehow came along with it
Still there's one thing that comforts me since I was
Always caged and now I'm free"
(For those of you who know me well, you know that every time I hear this song I turn it up as loud as the stereo will go and scream at the top of my lungs...especially during this part. My favorite!)
5) Landed- Ben Folds
"Till I opened my eyes and walked out the door
And the clouds came tumbling down
And it's bye-bye, goodbye, I tried
And I twisted it wrong just to make it right (So true. So true.)
Had to leave myself behind
I've been flying high all night
So come pick me up...I've landed
If you wrote me off I'd understand it
Because I've been on some other planet
So come pick me up... (And you were all waiting to pick me up...when I probably didn't deserve it at the time...thank you...)
I've landed" (And my feet are firm on the ground!)
4) Positively 4th Street- Bob Dylan
"I wish that for just one time
You could stand inside my shoes
And just for that one moment
I could be you
Yes, I wish that for just one time
You could stand inside my shoes
You'd know what a drag it is
To see you" (Ahem...)
(As my mom would say, "This is the greatest put down song ever!" And I have to say I agree:)Love me some Dylan!)
3) Springstreet- Dar Williams
"This year April had a blizzard
Just to show she did not care
And the new dead leaves
They made the trees look like children with gray hair
But I'll push myself up through the dirt
And shake my petals free
I'm resolved to being born
And so resigned to bravery"
(I love love love any analogy that involves a tree. Dar Williams, you are the love of my life...except for Andrew of course:)
2) If It Weren't For You- Stacey Earle
"Oh where would I be if it weren't for you
I guess I'd have nothing so how could I lose
So from you I'll take nothing, no nothing at all
With nothing to stop me, it's right down the hall
I'll reach for the knob then I'll
walk through the door (And it was the best thing I ever did in my life.)
And I will feel nothing for you anymore
And if you see someone that you never knew
That's where I'd be if it weren't for you" (So I guess I do have something to thank you for....dumb-ass)
1) Taught Me Well- Alice Peacock
"You hate to be ignored
Or maybe you're just bored
So I opened up my mail and there's a note from you
You say you're checkin' in
To see how I have been
Hey I'm doing so much better if you'd like to know the truth
You taught me well
You were my teacher and I thank you
For the hell you put me through I'm very grateful
Cuz ' I finally really learned what was important
In my life
And I thank my lucky stars everyday I'm not your wife
You're selfishly absorbed
You're childish and a bore
And I used to hold the anger in my stomach like a fist
But in time it was quite clear
That only I was suffering here
And having gratitude for you was the way out of this
You taught me well...that life is for living
It's not about taking, it's all about giving
You taught me well that sometimes what we
Want is staring us right in the face
And the power of forgiveness, the power of
Grace...of Grace"
(So I posted this whole song because it was like Ms. Peacock wrote it specifically for me. This song served as my theme for quite some time. And I will never forget the meaning it holds for me...)
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Here are a few things that have already annoyed me today.....(And I've only been up for about half an hour)
1) I'm almost out of shampoo (one more thing to add to the shopping list for tomorrow)
2) It smells like something died in the cat's bathroom where we keep the litter boxes (apparently someone's breakfast DID NOT agree with them)
3) Leira and I almost got plummeted by, not one but 2, cars this morning when I was walking her...I swear if someone hits my dog, I will kill them....
4) I have to leave for work in 14 minutes and my head hurts.
5) My head hurts (And I mean it's pounding!)
6) It's raining and I would rather spend the day reading a good book snuggled up on the couch than going to work and feeling more and more like an outcast and getting beat up by big dogs and mean cats. (I'm not bitter....I just need a loooooooooooong break)
7)My face looks disgusting...no really, you would think that I'm a 13 year old with all the acne I have accumulated from stress.
8) Oh yeah I had a really bad dream that I would rather not share (but it was one of those that made me wake up mad and hurt and like I wanted to punch somebody)
OK. I'm done. I truly am thankful for having a job and a home and our pets and Andrew and family and friends. I'm really not as depressed as I may sound. Just need a break....but tomorrow is my day off and I can look forward to that today:). So that's a plus. Yay for Thursdays! Perhaps I won't encounter any more annoying things....? We'll see:).
1) I'm almost out of shampoo (one more thing to add to the shopping list for tomorrow)
2) It smells like something died in the cat's bathroom where we keep the litter boxes (apparently someone's breakfast DID NOT agree with them)
3) Leira and I almost got plummeted by, not one but 2, cars this morning when I was walking her...I swear if someone hits my dog, I will kill them....
4) I have to leave for work in 14 minutes and my head hurts.
5) My head hurts (And I mean it's pounding!)
6) It's raining and I would rather spend the day reading a good book snuggled up on the couch than going to work and feeling more and more like an outcast and getting beat up by big dogs and mean cats. (I'm not bitter....I just need a loooooooooooong break)
7)My face looks disgusting...no really, you would think that I'm a 13 year old with all the acne I have accumulated from stress.
8) Oh yeah I had a really bad dream that I would rather not share (but it was one of those that made me wake up mad and hurt and like I wanted to punch somebody)
OK. I'm done. I truly am thankful for having a job and a home and our pets and Andrew and family and friends. I'm really not as depressed as I may sound. Just need a break....but tomorrow is my day off and I can look forward to that today:). So that's a plus. Yay for Thursdays! Perhaps I won't encounter any more annoying things....? We'll see:).
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Death via baseball bat
For weeks on end we would hear the constant beeping of our old x-ray processor at work. And we always threatened once we finally got a new one that we would have our revenge...our "Office Space moment" if you will.
I am happy to say that the day has come and this is me....taking all of my frustrations out on an x-ray machine....
via baseball bat.
In other words, I may be small and peaceful, but piss me off enough and this could be you. Consider yourself warned and have a lovely day:).
I am happy to say that the day has come and this is me....taking all of my frustrations out on an x-ray machine....
via baseball bat.
In other words, I may be small and peaceful, but piss me off enough and this could be you. Consider yourself warned and have a lovely day:).
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Creepy spider come what may
I love nature and all living things. Let me rephrase...I respect nature and all living things. (Bugs and snakes are fine as long as they stay away from me and mind their own business.)
I don't even kill bugs. I'm known for setting them free back into the wild at work. (Yes, I am one of those people who can strategically place a sheet of paper under a bug and throw a cup on top to carry it outside....though if someone else offers to do it...I don't decline such generosity.)
All this being said, there has been this spider outside of our house in front of our front door for the past 4 days. She is big. She is scary. And I am determined that she is planning to cease our existence as we know it.
When I come home, she stares at me.
When I take Leira outside for a walk, she waits.
She sits still in her web but I know she is watching my every move, and trying to figure out the best way to stun me and spin me into her web.
When I close my eyes, I can see her.
I can't sleep in fear that she might kill me when my defenses are down.
Here's the thing, it's going to be me or you Charlotte, and it's not going to be me.
I heard Andrew going outside last night and I warned him of our leery intruder. When he saw her he simply said, "Oh my God! That's a huge ass spider!"
"Yes. Yes it is."
Five minutes later he was out there with his big can of Raid. Spray spray spray. Die spider die! (Though he did inform me that he just sprayed her web in hopes that she would take it as a warning and flee.)
When I woke up this morning and looked out the window, she was gone.
I hate to tell you Wilbur, but Charlotte is dead.....
I don't even kill bugs. I'm known for setting them free back into the wild at work. (Yes, I am one of those people who can strategically place a sheet of paper under a bug and throw a cup on top to carry it outside....though if someone else offers to do it...I don't decline such generosity.)
All this being said, there has been this spider outside of our house in front of our front door for the past 4 days. She is big. She is scary. And I am determined that she is planning to cease our existence as we know it.
When I come home, she stares at me.
When I take Leira outside for a walk, she waits.
She sits still in her web but I know she is watching my every move, and trying to figure out the best way to stun me and spin me into her web.
When I close my eyes, I can see her.
I can't sleep in fear that she might kill me when my defenses are down.
Here's the thing, it's going to be me or you Charlotte, and it's not going to be me.
I heard Andrew going outside last night and I warned him of our leery intruder. When he saw her he simply said, "Oh my God! That's a huge ass spider!"
"Yes. Yes it is."
Five minutes later he was out there with his big can of Raid. Spray spray spray. Die spider die! (Though he did inform me that he just sprayed her web in hopes that she would take it as a warning and flee.)
When I woke up this morning and looked out the window, she was gone.
I hate to tell you Wilbur, but Charlotte is dead.....
JESUS is here and he's mowing our lawn!!!!
No really. Our maintenance guy is named Jesus and he's doing just that.
Just wanted to share.
Have a lovely day.
No really. Our maintenance guy is named Jesus and he's doing just that.
Just wanted to share.
Have a lovely day.
Wedding planning reunited
Beware all of you vendors, this is your last warning. I am back on the right path and NO ONE, I repeat NO ONE will stand in my way!!!!! (insert evil laugh here).
I am organized. (or at least I will be when I buy a cute, little...perhaps pink? wedding planner to write all of my lists and information in)
I am energized. (well, sort of. I am still suffering from getting back into the swing of things after traveling so much... but I'm almost there!)
I am prepared. (Now where did I put that magazine clipping with the cute toasting flutes?)
I am focused. (Wait...where was I?)
I am dedicated. (Weddings are preeeety:)
I am creative. (I can so make all of the bouquets and programs...really. I can do this. I printed out directions and everything.)
And I have Super Matron of Honor Woman! (That's right bitches. Beware! She had a wedding. She knows what to look out for. And most of my past boyfriends feared her...and still do if they're smart. Don't. Mess. With. Her.)
Most importantly, I'm in love. (And that is the most driving motivation I could have.)
Most beautiful, perfect, wonderful wedding!!!! Here we come!!!!
I am organized. (or at least I will be when I buy a cute, little...perhaps pink? wedding planner to write all of my lists and information in)
I am energized. (well, sort of. I am still suffering from getting back into the swing of things after traveling so much... but I'm almost there!)
I am prepared. (Now where did I put that magazine clipping with the cute toasting flutes?)
I am focused. (Wait...where was I?)
I am dedicated. (Weddings are preeeety:)
I am creative. (I can so make all of the bouquets and programs...really. I can do this. I printed out directions and everything.)
And I have Super Matron of Honor Woman! (That's right bitches. Beware! She had a wedding. She knows what to look out for. And most of my past boyfriends feared her...and still do if they're smart. Don't. Mess. With. Her.)
Most importantly, I'm in love. (And that is the most driving motivation I could have.)
Most beautiful, perfect, wonderful wedding!!!! Here we come!!!!
In this economy, Andrew and I have fond many cheap ways to entertain ourselves. (But in all honesty, we would do these things anyway because we're homebodies and rather stay in than make the effort to look decent and go out into public....)
I would have to say that the most fun source of entertainment we have found is that of "talking" for our 6 pets. (I have mentioned this before. They all have their own individual voices with the exception of Tuna who goes back and forth between being a mute and a British sailor...)
So last night I was starting to walk up the stairs and Andrew was about to take Leira out for her last pee for the night when I looked up and saw Bianca staring down at me.
I have to be honest here...this kind of freaked me out. Both her and Dip have these little alien faces that aren't at all cat-like and when they look at you a certain way, it's almost like they are staring through your soul. (I can't tell you how many times I've almost peed my pants waking up and finding the two of them staring at me like they were going to eat my brain or something....freaky).
So Andrew started talking in Bianca's alien pod-person voice.
"Do not be afraid. I will not hurt you."
And sadly, I always find myself answering our pets though I am aware that it is not them really talking...(No really. I do do this. I found myself standing in the laundry room with the door shut one day and Andrew was talking to me with Lorelai's voice on the other side of the door. I swear to you that I stood there and had a five minute conversation with my cat about dolphins....When I opened the door and looked at Andrew, I just said one thing: "Speak to no one of this.")
"I'm not afraid of you Bianca. Why are you staring at me though?"
"I want to ask you a question."
"OK. Go for it."
Silence. And yet the staring continues.
I have at this point become distracted and start walking further upstairs only to find Lorelai standing directly behind Bianca staring at me as well. I burst out laughing because it looked as though Lorelai was holding Bianca at gun point making her "say" what Lorelai wanted her to....
So Andrew of course plays along and in Lorelai's voice says, "Now say this....hee hee hee" (Lorelai kind of has a possessed laugh....)
I. Was. Hysterical.
Seriously. I was laughing so hard I almost fell down the stairs.
This is why we work. He gets me and I love him all the more for it.
I would have to say that the most fun source of entertainment we have found is that of "talking" for our 6 pets. (I have mentioned this before. They all have their own individual voices with the exception of Tuna who goes back and forth between being a mute and a British sailor...)
So last night I was starting to walk up the stairs and Andrew was about to take Leira out for her last pee for the night when I looked up and saw Bianca staring down at me.
I have to be honest here...this kind of freaked me out. Both her and Dip have these little alien faces that aren't at all cat-like and when they look at you a certain way, it's almost like they are staring through your soul. (I can't tell you how many times I've almost peed my pants waking up and finding the two of them staring at me like they were going to eat my brain or something....freaky).
So Andrew started talking in Bianca's alien pod-person voice.
"Do not be afraid. I will not hurt you."
And sadly, I always find myself answering our pets though I am aware that it is not them really talking...(No really. I do do this. I found myself standing in the laundry room with the door shut one day and Andrew was talking to me with Lorelai's voice on the other side of the door. I swear to you that I stood there and had a five minute conversation with my cat about dolphins....When I opened the door and looked at Andrew, I just said one thing: "Speak to no one of this.")
"I'm not afraid of you Bianca. Why are you staring at me though?"
"I want to ask you a question."
"OK. Go for it."
Silence. And yet the staring continues.
I have at this point become distracted and start walking further upstairs only to find Lorelai standing directly behind Bianca staring at me as well. I burst out laughing because it looked as though Lorelai was holding Bianca at gun point making her "say" what Lorelai wanted her to....
So Andrew of course plays along and in Lorelai's voice says, "Now say this....hee hee hee" (Lorelai kind of has a possessed laugh....)
I. Was. Hysterical.
Seriously. I was laughing so hard I almost fell down the stairs.
This is why we work. He gets me and I love him all the more for it.
Morning play with the pets
This morning, I walked upstairs to find Andrew swaying an old pajama pants string in front of Dip, Lorelai and Tuna. They were all going to town (especially Tuna:) and trying to catch it. Then suddenly, Leira came out of no where and caught the string!!! (Yes...the dog....not one of our 5 cats....but the dog...).
She began running around in circles with said string in her mouth and looked longingly at Tuna to start playing with her. She would grab the string and thrust the other end in Tuna's face. Then look at us like "Why isn't he playing with me?!?!"
Perhaps Leira it's because you are 40 pounds and you almost jumped on top of him in your excitement over a pants string.
We need to talk. You aren't a cat.....
But I haven't the heart to truly tell her that she is not one of her 5, little furry friends, but that she is indeed a dog.
Do you think they have therapy for this sort of thing?
She began running around in circles with said string in her mouth and looked longingly at Tuna to start playing with her. She would grab the string and thrust the other end in Tuna's face. Then look at us like "Why isn't he playing with me?!?!"
Perhaps Leira it's because you are 40 pounds and you almost jumped on top of him in your excitement over a pants string.
We need to talk. You aren't a cat.....
But I haven't the heart to truly tell her that she is not one of her 5, little furry friends, but that she is indeed a dog.
Do you think they have therapy for this sort of thing?
I opened our refrigerator door this morning and this is what I found:
1) 8 oz carton of 2% organic milk
2) Beer
3) Wine
4) 1/2 a tomato (we can't keep them on the counter because Tuna will eat them...yes, he's a freak)
5) 1/2 bag of shredded cheese that may or may not have reached the moldy stage....it was too early this morning for me to risk looking
6) 4 jars of salsa..... (Yes 4...why do I keep buying salsa?!?!!! What is up with that?)
Needless to say, I don't think even Rachael Ray could make a wholesome meal out of these ingredients....we really should go to the grocery store today
1) 8 oz carton of 2% organic milk
2) Beer
3) Wine
4) 1/2 a tomato (we can't keep them on the counter because Tuna will eat them...yes, he's a freak)
5) 1/2 bag of shredded cheese that may or may not have reached the moldy stage....it was too early this morning for me to risk looking
6) 4 jars of salsa..... (Yes 4...why do I keep buying salsa?!?!!! What is up with that?)
Needless to say, I don't think even Rachael Ray could make a wholesome meal out of these ingredients....we really should go to the grocery store today
Friday, September 11, 2009
It amazes me...
The story you are about to read is true, though the names have been changed (other than my own) to protect the stupid....
So I was making some call backs yesterday (i.e: getting progress reports on patients seen in the last week or so, etc) and I called an owner who had come in last week with a new shelter puppy. (We currently have an agreement with the Wake County shelter for those owners who adopt and bring in their new pet within 5 days. The first exam is always free as long as the pet is brought in within that time period and there are several other things included in the agreement as well. Unfortunately, a lot of times, new owners think that it is ALL going to be free...for the rest of their new pet's life and so on. So we have to explain that this is not the case. This is important "need to know information" for the story ahead.)
So i call the owner, from here on known as Mr. Dumb-ass, and he picks up the phone:
"Hi! This is Mary over at __________ Animal Hospital and I was just calling to check in on Haley to see how she is doing since her visit here last week."
Long pause. "Yeah...well she's been vomiting, let's see...Monday....Tuesday...and also Wednesday." Another long pause (And I'm thinking in my head...but it's Thursday? Why the hell haven't you called us back?)
"Oh. Well how is she doing otherwise? Is she eating and drinking OK? How is her attitude?"
"Her what?"
"How has she been acting?"
"Oh. She's fine. She's just been vomiting some yellow stuff. And she's been eating except she hasn't eaten anything today."
"OK. Well I would definitely recommend that you have her seen if she continues to have the vomiting and a decrease in appetite."
Long Pause.
"So....Why would I need to bring her in again?"
This was a moment where I carried a small pause. (Is he being serious? Am I being recorded?)
"Well sir. Since she has been vomiting for several days, she probably doesn't feel very well and should therefore be seen by a doctor." (AKA How would you feel if you had been vomiting for 3 whole days Mr Dumb-ass?!?!!!)
"Oh. Well if I brought her in, would it be covered under that whole shelter agreement thing?"
"Unfortunately, no sir it would not." (Meaning: Yea for you for adopting a new dog and saving it from a shelter life or early euthanasia...but just because you paid your $50 doesn't not mean that this pet is going to cost you nothing for the rest of her life!)
"Because she didn't come to you vomiting. If she had come to you with that particular issue, then yes, the treatment would be covered."
"Oh. Well she didn't start the vomiting until you guys gave her that medication." (Wow. This would have been some good information to have 5 minutes ago...)
"Oh. Well I apologize sir but I still recommend that Haley be seen."
"Do you really think it's that important?"
"If she continues to vomit, yes I do." (NO! I mean why else would I be wasting my time having this lovely conversation with you!?)
"Well what can I do to make it stop."
"Sir, you would need to bring her in to have a doctor see her because the vomiting could be due to several different factors."
Long pause. "So you can't tell me why she's vomiting...."
"No sir. I can't." (Seriously?)
"So is this serious?"
Oh. My. God.
"Again sir, I can't really tell you how good or bad of a situation it is because I'm only a technician and a DOCTOR needs to look at her to re-evaluate the situation. So if she continues to vomit, you need to have her seen somewhere."
"But it's not free."
"No sir. It's not free."
"I'll just watch her for a few more days and take her to my vet if she continues to vomit. Since you guys aren't going to do it for free." (Really? Are they going to do it for free? Very unlikely.)
"OK. Well I hope she feels better. Give us a call if you need anything."
Long pause.
"You mean if she's still vomiting?"
"Yes. If she's still vomiting or not eating." (You are such a dumb-ass. I hope you don't have children.)
"OK." (Jeez. Some people should not have pets.)
Let me just say, it's moments like these where I can only say through gritted teeth....I. Love. My. Job.
So I was making some call backs yesterday (i.e: getting progress reports on patients seen in the last week or so, etc) and I called an owner who had come in last week with a new shelter puppy. (We currently have an agreement with the Wake County shelter for those owners who adopt and bring in their new pet within 5 days. The first exam is always free as long as the pet is brought in within that time period and there are several other things included in the agreement as well. Unfortunately, a lot of times, new owners think that it is ALL going to be free...for the rest of their new pet's life and so on. So we have to explain that this is not the case. This is important "need to know information" for the story ahead.)
So i call the owner, from here on known as Mr. Dumb-ass, and he picks up the phone:
"Hi! This is Mary over at __________ Animal Hospital and I was just calling to check in on Haley to see how she is doing since her visit here last week."
Long pause. "Yeah...well she's been vomiting, let's see...Monday....Tuesday...and also Wednesday." Another long pause (And I'm thinking in my head...but it's Thursday? Why the hell haven't you called us back?)
"Oh. Well how is she doing otherwise? Is she eating and drinking OK? How is her attitude?"
"Her what?"
"How has she been acting?"
"Oh. She's fine. She's just been vomiting some yellow stuff. And she's been eating except she hasn't eaten anything today."
"OK. Well I would definitely recommend that you have her seen if she continues to have the vomiting and a decrease in appetite."
Long Pause.
"So....Why would I need to bring her in again?"
This was a moment where I carried a small pause. (Is he being serious? Am I being recorded?)
"Well sir. Since she has been vomiting for several days, she probably doesn't feel very well and should therefore be seen by a doctor." (AKA How would you feel if you had been vomiting for 3 whole days Mr Dumb-ass?!?!!!)
"Oh. Well if I brought her in, would it be covered under that whole shelter agreement thing?"
"Unfortunately, no sir it would not." (Meaning: Yea for you for adopting a new dog and saving it from a shelter life or early euthanasia...but just because you paid your $50 doesn't not mean that this pet is going to cost you nothing for the rest of her life!)
"Because she didn't come to you vomiting. If she had come to you with that particular issue, then yes, the treatment would be covered."
"Oh. Well she didn't start the vomiting until you guys gave her that medication." (Wow. This would have been some good information to have 5 minutes ago...)
"Oh. Well I apologize sir but I still recommend that Haley be seen."
"Do you really think it's that important?"
"If she continues to vomit, yes I do." (NO! I mean why else would I be wasting my time having this lovely conversation with you!?)
"Well what can I do to make it stop."
"Sir, you would need to bring her in to have a doctor see her because the vomiting could be due to several different factors."
Long pause. "So you can't tell me why she's vomiting...."
"No sir. I can't." (Seriously?)
"So is this serious?"
Oh. My. God.
"Again sir, I can't really tell you how good or bad of a situation it is because I'm only a technician and a DOCTOR needs to look at her to re-evaluate the situation. So if she continues to vomit, you need to have her seen somewhere."
"But it's not free."
"No sir. It's not free."
"I'll just watch her for a few more days and take her to my vet if she continues to vomit. Since you guys aren't going to do it for free." (Really? Are they going to do it for free? Very unlikely.)
"OK. Well I hope she feels better. Give us a call if you need anything."
Long pause.
"You mean if she's still vomiting?"
"Yes. If she's still vomiting or not eating." (You are such a dumb-ass. I hope you don't have children.)
"OK." (Jeez. Some people should not have pets.)
Let me just say, it's moments like these where I can only say through gritted teeth....I. Love. My. Job.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
I was walking Leira this evening and stumbles upon several random things that I would like to share:
1) A teenager on his bike that was riding in front of me, occasionally looking back and then lifting his bike up to where he was only riding on one wheel. I'm not sure what he was expecting....perhaps he wanted me to say something like "Hey! Good for you! You are only about 2 seconds away from visiting the ER because you have broken your neck. Good job!" Coolest. Guy. Ever.
2) A lady mowing her lawn with ankle weights on....that's dedication....
3) What I thought was a run over green snake and after a brief freak out that it might not be dead and was perhaps looking at me and planning my demise...was relieved to find out that it was only an ugly shoestring. (But it was dead...very dead indeed.)
4) An abandoned little girls pink bike by the swing-sets in the neighborhood I walk in. It's actually been there for at least a month and it's a bit disturbing. I can't even begin to tell you the many scenarios that go through my head when I see that pink bike.
5) A random empty beer can sitting beside a recycle bin. Really? Was it that hard to put it INSIDE the container?
6) 5 cats staring at me through windows of one house....oh wait....that would be where I live.....
1) A teenager on his bike that was riding in front of me, occasionally looking back and then lifting his bike up to where he was only riding on one wheel. I'm not sure what he was expecting....perhaps he wanted me to say something like "Hey! Good for you! You are only about 2 seconds away from visiting the ER because you have broken your neck. Good job!" Coolest. Guy. Ever.
2) A lady mowing her lawn with ankle weights on....that's dedication....
3) What I thought was a run over green snake and after a brief freak out that it might not be dead and was perhaps looking at me and planning my demise...was relieved to find out that it was only an ugly shoestring. (But it was dead...very dead indeed.)
4) An abandoned little girls pink bike by the swing-sets in the neighborhood I walk in. It's actually been there for at least a month and it's a bit disturbing. I can't even begin to tell you the many scenarios that go through my head when I see that pink bike.
5) A random empty beer can sitting beside a recycle bin. Really? Was it that hard to put it INSIDE the container?
6) 5 cats staring at me through windows of one house....oh wait....that would be where I live.....
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
I've had kinda a shitty day. Perhaps that was too blunt and pessimistic....I'll put it this way, it could have been better.
I got to work (yes, on a Saturday...sad face) and I had tons of phone calls to make so I was already a bit stressed about that. (Though thank you Mandy for helping me out with this:). Then upon making one of the phone calls, the guy started yelling at me across the phone line about how our hospital's communication has, and I quote, "completely gone down hill." Then he threatened to take all of his pet's records and have them transferred.
I was stunned. I was only the middle man who was asked to make a phone call and see if I could help in any way. I understood his frustration and I would have loved to help him further but him yelling at me was not going to make things better for either one of us. Then (like a complete over-sensitive little girl) I began to cry...on the phone...with Mr. Angry still yelling at me. (How humiliating...and talk about losing my pride.) I will say however, once he heard how upset I was, he did apologize and took the time to tell me it wasn't me he was upset with and yada yada yada. But here's the thing...he knew this before he started yelling at me so why did he have to take it out on me in the first place? I don't understand people's rationale sometimes. I just don't get it. And I know I shouldn't take it personally but I do and I can't help it. I want to help when someone is feeling upset (even if it's not my job to.) And this was one of my favorite clients so that made it even worse....
Next was the humongous dog in room 2 of whom we had never seen before and out-weighed me, not only in size but in strength. I couldn't tell if he wanted to eat me or lick me to death. And he kept barking the whole time when I was trying to get the history from his soft-spoken owner and I had to keep repeating myself and asking her to repeat herself and it was a huge mess. The big (perhaps scary...but actually sweet?...not sure at that point)dog then decided to jump up on the exam table (on his own I might add) and I looked up and saw his big head and tongue (not to mention teeth) right in my face.
Once i finally finished getting a history and going over the treatment plan, I took him back to take his temperature and get his weight and such. And let me just tell you...he was the absolute dumbest, goofiest pit bull I have ever met (and I've met some goofy pits in my time). But he was sweet as anything and all he wanted to do was lick everybody.
Last, but certainly not least....a cat tried to kill me and one of my co-workers. I haven't the energy to tell this tale (no pun intended). But towels, gloves, urine, teeth and claws were all involved.....use your imagination at will.
I love my job, but some days I wish I could go back to retail....though once I did have a guy throw a piece of a fan at me when I was working in customer service....I swear I'm a nice person. The general public just happens to include a bunch of assholes and I apparently have to deal with a lot of them.
I will say, and end this short (hmmmmm perhaps not so short...oops) rant with this: my faith in humanity was completely restored when I went to Target and overheard a little girl talking to her mom about Michael Jackson.
"How many people do you know who can moonwalk like Michael Jackson?" (How. Cute. Is. That?)
I never heard her mom's answer but the fact that this small individual knew who he was made me smile. So I send out a huge "THANK YOU" to the little girl who will help to live out his remembrance.
Maybe at least she won't grow up to be an asshole.....
I got to work (yes, on a Saturday...sad face) and I had tons of phone calls to make so I was already a bit stressed about that. (Though thank you Mandy for helping me out with this:). Then upon making one of the phone calls, the guy started yelling at me across the phone line about how our hospital's communication has, and I quote, "completely gone down hill." Then he threatened to take all of his pet's records and have them transferred.
I was stunned. I was only the middle man who was asked to make a phone call and see if I could help in any way. I understood his frustration and I would have loved to help him further but him yelling at me was not going to make things better for either one of us. Then (like a complete over-sensitive little girl) I began to cry...on the phone...with Mr. Angry still yelling at me. (How humiliating...and talk about losing my pride.) I will say however, once he heard how upset I was, he did apologize and took the time to tell me it wasn't me he was upset with and yada yada yada. But here's the thing...he knew this before he started yelling at me so why did he have to take it out on me in the first place? I don't understand people's rationale sometimes. I just don't get it. And I know I shouldn't take it personally but I do and I can't help it. I want to help when someone is feeling upset (even if it's not my job to.) And this was one of my favorite clients so that made it even worse....
Next was the humongous dog in room 2 of whom we had never seen before and out-weighed me, not only in size but in strength. I couldn't tell if he wanted to eat me or lick me to death. And he kept barking the whole time when I was trying to get the history from his soft-spoken owner and I had to keep repeating myself and asking her to repeat herself and it was a huge mess. The big (perhaps scary...but actually sweet?...not sure at that point)dog then decided to jump up on the exam table (on his own I might add) and I looked up and saw his big head and tongue (not to mention teeth) right in my face.
Once i finally finished getting a history and going over the treatment plan, I took him back to take his temperature and get his weight and such. And let me just tell you...he was the absolute dumbest, goofiest pit bull I have ever met (and I've met some goofy pits in my time). But he was sweet as anything and all he wanted to do was lick everybody.
Last, but certainly not least....a cat tried to kill me and one of my co-workers. I haven't the energy to tell this tale (no pun intended). But towels, gloves, urine, teeth and claws were all involved.....use your imagination at will.
I love my job, but some days I wish I could go back to retail....though once I did have a guy throw a piece of a fan at me when I was working in customer service....I swear I'm a nice person. The general public just happens to include a bunch of assholes and I apparently have to deal with a lot of them.
I will say, and end this short (hmmmmm perhaps not so short...oops) rant with this: my faith in humanity was completely restored when I went to Target and overheard a little girl talking to her mom about Michael Jackson.
"How many people do you know who can moonwalk like Michael Jackson?" (How. Cute. Is. That?)
I never heard her mom's answer but the fact that this small individual knew who he was made me smile. So I send out a huge "THANK YOU" to the little girl who will help to live out his remembrance.
Maybe at least she won't grow up to be an asshole.....
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Wedding planning
When Andrew and I got engaged almost 5 months ago, I was so elated about planning and getting things done and making everything perfect. I became obsessed with wedding magazines and websites and bridal shows. We found our ceremony/reception sight within the first 2 months and soon after, I (or rather my parents:) bought my wedding gown and then we went cake tasting and tried out a caterer. We have already registered at 3 places and we (or rather my parents:) have bought most of the decorations for the reception (i.e. vases, bubbles, guest book and pen, flower girl basket, ect). But now I'm stuck....
I have been communicating with our officiant, who is also the same person who owns the place we are getting married, via email. And we have been going back and forth about prices for the caterer and florist that she sometimes uses for couples who don't want to have to plan everything on their own. We thought we were good on a caterer...but alas, this seems to be a total bust. Apparently Jeanne (our officiant) is concerned that the caterer we were thinking of using won't put on a good "presentation". (What does that mean exactly?....I haven't a clue!) But now she is recommending someone else who has a "great presentation"! and higher quality food and so on and so on. There is one catch however. This particular caterer wants to charge us (or rather my parents) $500 more than the other one....WHAT? I realize that Jeanne is trying to help but seriously? We're (or rather my parents:) running out of money fast.
So I got this information last night and upon waking up this morning, I thought to myself "maybe we should go a different route as far as catering?" But I, never having planned a wedding in my entire life, have no idea how to go about this. So now I have this on the wedding planning plate and I have yet to really find out about what's going on with our potential florist (who might be charging us a fee to speak with her in person...?...Is this customary you ask...again...NO IDEA!!!!).
OK OK. I know what you're thinking. I'm being a completely selfish "bridezilla" because only a couple of things have not gone according to plan. But here me out. About 2 months ago, Jenn (my matron of honor:) and I started looking for bridesmaids dresses. We went to the David's Bridal here in Raleigh and let me just say...so not impressed!!! The lady who "took care of us" was completely distracted the whole time and acted as though we were an inconvenience. Jenn tried on several dresses and yipee!!!! we found the right one! It was the perfect length and color and everything! The lady of course wanted to know what size we needed to order, blah blah blah but we wanted to wait it out. She seemed extremely annoyed and thrust-ed her business card in my face (that of which I tore up when we got back to the car and placed in my wedding planning scrapbook once we got back home). But it was all good. We had found the bridesmaids dresses! One more thing to check off of the list.
So all of this being said, in my excitement, I went online to admire the dress once again and send a picture out to all of the rest of my lovely bridesmaids, then I noticed one small, minor, but particularly important detail. The dress was not listed as being available in the color I wanted....."that can't be right?" I thought to myself. "I'll just call them tomorrow...."
I made the call on my lunch break the next day and immediately was put on hold after telling the person on the other line my dilemma. I was forced to listen to horrible R & B elevator music (who knew they made such a thing?) and was finally (5 minutes later) asked AGAIN what it was I was holding for. (I believe the second time someone got on the phone, it was a different person than the first time).
"So what did you need?"
I sighed. And told the second employee what I was inquiring about.
More elevator music....but staying calm.
Five minutes later. "Yeah. We have that dress (this was the first girl I spoke with....).
"I know. But do you have it in that color?"
"Oh, let me go see..."
"Wait!"...but she was gone and I was talking to the horrid music.
Five more minutes pass and I'm about to hang up when the girl gets back on the line. "Yeah, we don't have that dress in that color."
Long pause. "OK then. Well I guess I won't be shopping at your store again!!!!!" And I hung up.....
Yes. I know I know. This was so completely immature but the bitch had it coming. That's all I have to say.....I mean seriously? Isn't it their job to make sure each of their potential shoppers have a good experience? I used to work in customer service and even though I couldn't always provide what the customer wanted, I at least tried to help them leave happy and satisfied. I swear, the words, "thank you" and "I apologize" really go a long way with most people. That's all I'm saying...that's all I was asking...but no. Everyone at the David's Bridal in Raleigh is a bitch. Fair and square.....but that's all I have to say about that.
So this was the beginning of what feels like a long streak of negatives in the wedding planning department. Jenn and I tried again to look at another boutique and at least they were nice but they didn't have what I wanted. (Who knew this would be so hard?)
And I went to order my wedding invitations this morning and found that they have been discontinued...(are. you. kidding. me?)
OK. Be calm. I have several months to get everything in order. But I'm really starting to wonder.....
Maybe we should elope.....?
I have been communicating with our officiant, who is also the same person who owns the place we are getting married, via email. And we have been going back and forth about prices for the caterer and florist that she sometimes uses for couples who don't want to have to plan everything on their own. We thought we were good on a caterer...but alas, this seems to be a total bust. Apparently Jeanne (our officiant) is concerned that the caterer we were thinking of using won't put on a good "presentation". (What does that mean exactly?....I haven't a clue!) But now she is recommending someone else who has a "great presentation"! and higher quality food and so on and so on. There is one catch however. This particular caterer wants to charge us (or rather my parents) $500 more than the other one....WHAT? I realize that Jeanne is trying to help but seriously? We're (or rather my parents:) running out of money fast.
So I got this information last night and upon waking up this morning, I thought to myself "maybe we should go a different route as far as catering?" But I, never having planned a wedding in my entire life, have no idea how to go about this. So now I have this on the wedding planning plate and I have yet to really find out about what's going on with our potential florist (who might be charging us a fee to speak with her in person...?...Is this customary you ask...again...NO IDEA!!!!).
OK OK. I know what you're thinking. I'm being a completely selfish "bridezilla" because only a couple of things have not gone according to plan. But here me out. About 2 months ago, Jenn (my matron of honor:) and I started looking for bridesmaids dresses. We went to the David's Bridal here in Raleigh and let me just say...so not impressed!!! The lady who "took care of us" was completely distracted the whole time and acted as though we were an inconvenience. Jenn tried on several dresses and yipee!!!! we found the right one! It was the perfect length and color and everything! The lady of course wanted to know what size we needed to order, blah blah blah but we wanted to wait it out. She seemed extremely annoyed and thrust-ed her business card in my face (that of which I tore up when we got back to the car and placed in my wedding planning scrapbook once we got back home). But it was all good. We had found the bridesmaids dresses! One more thing to check off of the list.
So all of this being said, in my excitement, I went online to admire the dress once again and send a picture out to all of the rest of my lovely bridesmaids, then I noticed one small, minor, but particularly important detail. The dress was not listed as being available in the color I wanted....."that can't be right?" I thought to myself. "I'll just call them tomorrow...."
I made the call on my lunch break the next day and immediately was put on hold after telling the person on the other line my dilemma. I was forced to listen to horrible R & B elevator music (who knew they made such a thing?) and was finally (5 minutes later) asked AGAIN what it was I was holding for. (I believe the second time someone got on the phone, it was a different person than the first time).
"So what did you need?"
I sighed. And told the second employee what I was inquiring about.
More elevator music....but staying calm.
Five minutes later. "Yeah. We have that dress (this was the first girl I spoke with....).
"I know. But do you have it in that color?"
"Oh, let me go see..."
"Wait!"...but she was gone and I was talking to the horrid music.
Five more minutes pass and I'm about to hang up when the girl gets back on the line. "Yeah, we don't have that dress in that color."
Long pause. "OK then. Well I guess I won't be shopping at your store again!!!!!" And I hung up.....
Yes. I know I know. This was so completely immature but the bitch had it coming. That's all I have to say.....I mean seriously? Isn't it their job to make sure each of their potential shoppers have a good experience? I used to work in customer service and even though I couldn't always provide what the customer wanted, I at least tried to help them leave happy and satisfied. I swear, the words, "thank you" and "I apologize" really go a long way with most people. That's all I'm saying...that's all I was asking...but no. Everyone at the David's Bridal in Raleigh is a bitch. Fair and square.....but that's all I have to say about that.
So this was the beginning of what feels like a long streak of negatives in the wedding planning department. Jenn and I tried again to look at another boutique and at least they were nice but they didn't have what I wanted. (Who knew this would be so hard?)
And I went to order my wedding invitations this morning and found that they have been discontinued...(are. you. kidding. me?)
OK. Be calm. I have several months to get everything in order. But I'm really starting to wonder.....
Maybe we should elope.....?
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